You don't have to be a professional gamer to be good at MMO games, but as a casual player, there's a lot you need to take in to dominate every session. Mastery isn't something that happens overnight considering new patches and expansion packs are introduced without you ever noticing.

That doesn't mean you never will be a master in games like Destiny 2 or New World. All you need is to brush up on the basics and learn what professional players do that turn them into the best MMO players in the world. The guide below isn't your only roadmap to becoming a better MMO gamer, but following these steps is a good start:

MMO Games, Destiny 3

1. Learn about the game you playing through expert eyes

No crash course will turn you into a superstar in the world of MMOs, but you could learn a thing or two from veteran MMO gamers who have gone through it all, from acquiring legendary items through sheer skill alone to maintaining an impressive PvP win-loss ratio. If you want to be good in the MMO you're playing, start by being curious about the skills and strategies that expert players use.

You can learn these by watching playthroughs on YouTube, Twitch, or any other streaming platform. Try to watch professional matches and see what expert tactics you could try out in a casual session. You could also learn a lot from reading forums and blogs dedicated to the MMO community. Reddit, for one, is rich with mini forums touching on topics like character builds and skill usage.

2. Master min-maxing and skill trees

Customizing your character's skills and competencies has to be the most exciting part of playing an MMO. However, if becoming a better player is your goal, you will have to know what builds are guaranteed to help you win in every match. This circles back to how you distribute experience points to achieve an optimal character build.

Every game has a unique set of stats you can experiment with and, in most cases, achieving the perfect build isn't possible. Try to get around this by knowing what each stat contributes to the overall build and how it will help you win against another player.

Aside from stats, you also need to figure out what skills you will need to invest in. In the World of Warcraft, Reckoning is touted as the deadliest passive ability to develop. Depending on your character class, make it a goal to learn the most powerful ability and use it in your strategy.

3. Get help from the right people

If you're new to an MMO game, you can't possibly learn advanced techniques and strategies in one go. You might want to get a mentor to walk you through everything you will need to absorb to become a better player. This could be a friend or even someone you met online who lives halfway across the globe.

Some players may also resort to getting help from experienced players who could boost their characters while they are away. Destiny 2 boosting is fairly common among players who are looking for shortcuts to developing their characters. If you think this takes out all the fun of playing MMO games, then you might want to get a sherpa to help you with unlocking rare items and using expert methods for battling bosses and other players.

4. Follow professional etiquette

Whether you're playing professionally or casually, don't let your skills and experience cloud the need to stay civil in every game. The best players are the ones who know how to keep their egos in check. Especially if you're playing in online events, nothing good will ever come out of talking trash and playing dirty. You wouldn't know if the person you're playing against will be your greatest ally.

Show respect and don't take things too personally. You should also find ways to help out newbies and share items and EXP if you're working with a party. Observing etiquette allows you to attract people willing to trade and, more importantly, become a part of your network.


If you're looking for a magic formula that will make you the best MMO player in the world, sad to say there is none. By applying these tips, getting better than before is within your grasp.


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General Information

Destiny 2


Platform(s): Xbox One
Publisher(s): Activision
Developer(s): Bungie
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Sci-fi, Online Role-Playing
Release Date: 2017-09-08

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