So, I'm back... kind of...

By Karsciyin, Posted 22 May 2009

Hello. I have to admit that my laptop has been 'fixed' for a while, though this particular site has been given it lagging problems (though Ron's MSN tagline promising a fix in that respect, i don't know how much he's told you guys).


I'll have to try and get here more often though because I don't here from you guys - RON, KnightofFreedom and Nightember in particular - enough on MSN. Mind you, that's my fault - it's been two weeks since I signed in.. >.> I'm trying to change that. I'm online right now in fact, even though there is no one to talk to.


Any guys wanting to MSN me, my TSP/deviantART/RnadomPeopleCanSeeThis/etc MSN email is "". I'll switch to that now, I think.
...okay done. Maybe if you guys get in fast enough I'll see you there; dinner is soon. I'm supposed to be cooking it. I'm not. Maybe I'll just shout us chips or something. >.>


AND! Apologising for any wrong footing and bad first impressions as it were, also apologising for too looooong absence, and hope to here from you guys soon, if I remember. Maybe I'll put a regular reminder in my phone - I just ofund it again after it being lost for three weeks.


I don't know if you know about EIT (college) - I think you do - but my BCS is going pretty well. The classes are great, but assignments SUCK. I have 2 due in two weeks and I've barely started on either, plus some tests I'm sure I'll fail. Still... that's what I thought for the first ones, and I got them fairly well... I need motivation...
..and a warmer bedroom. Most of the time, when me over-enthusiastic laptop is picked up off the desk, you can cook eggs on the hot wood (not that I want to; i don't like eggs). It's only mid-autumn and globes aren't enough - every now and then I put an owl puppet on a hand to insulate it until I need the hand again (his name is Owlie ^.^). Brr... can't light the fire because the chimney is leaking. (Something I picked up from Nightember: *sad face*)


Anyway, see you guys around. (And thank goodness I copied this to clipboard before posting, or I would have lost everything... twice.)

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  • welcome back :D

    i was just about to go to bed, but ill be on msn tomorrow and we can talk :D

    Posted May 22, 2009
  • lol me 2, facebook makes great chating. we can bug you another day love!!

    Posted May 22, 2009
  • Welcome back mate.

    Posted May 22, 2009
  • Good to see you back :)

    Posted May 22, 2009
  • Eww, Knight, Facebook... though I have an account, i didn't really use it at the best of times, let alone when it got some wierd makeover... I'm more likely to check my Bebo now, and not even that!

    If you really want to contact me, giving my a note of deviantART will get you a response the very next day, if not almost immediately.

    Posted May 22, 2009
  • We haven't had any introduction yet but I've heard about you before. It's nice to see you back :)

    Posted May 22, 2009
  • avatar RON


    i guess you know that your presence make me very very happy :) Karin made her come back few days ago and now you. I can’t express the delight when I have you two ladies on my side :D


    Posted May 22, 2009
  • don'y worry vub i'll bug you sooner or later there :)

    Posted May 22, 2009
  • Welcome back..KarsciyinSmile

    Posted May 22, 2009

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