My Username

By kamoodle5, Posted 20 May 2009

Okey dokey, since I have done designing my banner and uploaded my old avatar again, all of you seemed pretty curious about how I came up with this username of mine. It's really nothing much; it is just a name I invented for myself. After all, when I browsed through some photoshop tutorials yesterday, I found a company name (I think) that said Kaboodle, but my Kamoodle was way before I saw this. That is like in that episode of the Simpsons where Homer crossbred a tomato with tobacco and ended up calling it 'tomacco' at his old family farm. Anyway, the first part of my username, 'kam', happens to be my full initials; my full name is Karin Andrea Mauldin. Then the '-oodle' part was noodle without the 'n'. :P For the old username (kamauldi) I have been using at Gamespot, that was really a username I picked from when I attended University of Houston at that time in 2006, and that was a username I had to use for when I went to WebCT to do my homework. Yep, I have been a member at Gamespot from three years and four months now with that username but I hardly go there anymore. I go here now and I am gonna plan to be here more often. :)

comments powered by Disqus
  • wow...that's a nice story behind your username...and it's good to hear that you are planning to spend more times here.Smile

    Posted May 20, 2009
  • its great to hear where some of these goofy names have come from. :P

    Posted May 21, 2009
  • You have a very unique username. Cool to know the story behind it.

    Posted May 21, 2009
  • MUHAHAHA I FOUND YOU. Teacher i missed you!!!

    Posted May 21, 2009
  • It's a very nice and long history you have and the name is really cool :) I like the idea of having a nick like yours. Too bad I've already used my real name my nick here. Btw, Karin Andrea Mauldin is a very nice name. Where you from?

    Posted May 21, 2009
  • avatar RON

    i still love that name 'Kamauldi' btw :)

    Posted May 21, 2009
  • Good to know where your username came from :)

    Posted May 23, 2009

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    Hey I like the new banner. Just need time to get used to. Hope that you all are doing well. Blessings of March on the way!


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