Joined NoobFeed

By PaperF, Posted 18 May 2009

Well looks like this is my first blog in noobfeed. Is a pleasure joining this site, and i hope i can turn a popular member around heree. I like the organization of this site, the forums, blogs, friends thing, etc. I think needs more updates, etc

Well i hope to enjoy around and thanks dragon for inviting me here

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  • Welcome to Noobfeed PaperF :)

    Posted May 18, 2009
  • Welcome to NoobFeed PaperF :) This site has just started its journey. Give it a little more time and it will grow bigger and better :)

    And, if you are planning to become a popular member. Beat ForestHump’s total post numbers at the forum :P you’ll become popular in no time ;) LOL
    Posted May 18, 2009
  • avatar RON

    welcome to NoobFeed mate :)

    @ Tanya: LOL

    Posted May 18, 2009
  • OMG paper is here now theres a party:D

    Posted May 18, 2009
  • Welcome PaperF..hope you are enjoying your time here at noobfeed.Smile

    Posted May 18, 2009
  • tanya@: i'm sure i will one day. Just give me some months

    and thanks everyone:o

    Posted May 18, 2009
  • Welcome to NoobFeed.

    Posted May 18, 2009
  • well, that is 2 members that I have convinced to come here. Do I get a prize for this stuff?

    Posted May 19, 2009
  • Sure! You already made 34 and it's a very good start :)

    Posted May 19, 2009
  • Welcome:)

    Posted May 19, 2009
  • Welcome to Noobfeed :D hope you enjoy it here

    Posted May 19, 2009
  • hehe thanks everyone:D seems a cool site:o i may be more active

    Posted May 22, 2009
  • Btw, if you want me to make you an avy, then just ask for it ;)

    Posted May 23, 2009
  • Welcome Paper.  Glad to have you here :).

    Posted May 24, 2009
  • I'm still waiting for your return :(

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • Good to see you back.Smile

    Posted Jun 30, 2009

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