Well hello again NoobFeed3rs


Yep Chris (Kasp_Falco) is back once more. This time, in time for the London Film and Comic Convention where he will be meeting stars of cinema and the idiot box (TV). A few names from TV will be Stargate SG1's Ben Browder and Christopher Judge. The Dead Zone's Anthony Michael Hall, 'Mike Engel in The Dark Knight' unfortunately isn't going anymore so that's one photoshoot that isn't going to happen. But to make up for it, many cast members from A Game of Thrones will be there...including the legendary actor, Charles Dance. So, where one doors closes another one opens. Hopefully all the tickets haven't sold out for the Charles Dance photo opportunity as that would make up for the Anthony Michael Hall cancellation, which still hasn't been refunded yet.


So heading off to the nations capital with only £50 in the wallet for the day will be a test of time, how long will it be after Chris sets foot into the venue and see's something he wants to buy. Lets face it, it's a convention, things aren't going to be cheap. Just like last year. So his yearly tradition continues and 2012 will be a bigger occasion than 2011, but with 2013 already ticking away in his head ideas are going through the motions on how to make each occasion more memorable than the last. 


Seeing as this is a gaming community it would seem silly not to mention something gaming related. Fortunately WiFi is being provided for free at the Olympia Grand Hall venue courtesy of Mobage the creators of the free card game Rage of Bahamut. So be sure to check it out, regardless if you are in the United Kingdom and going to the London Film and Comic Convention. 




If anyone is interested in finding out more information about the convention the link below directs you to the Showmasters site, more infomation can also be found on the sites forum under London Film and Comic Con.




Follow Chris on Twitter: @FaceOfAFaceless

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  • I'm sure Chris is going to have much fun there. He just needs to keep his wallet under constant check. Oh and please tell him that if he finds Mark Strong there; take an autograph for me and tell him that I'm his biggest fan :D

    Posted Jul 08, 2012

  • @Amaya yea, but im also sure Chris is going to be sad he didnt go in there with a ton more money lol

    Posted Jul 09, 2012

  • @Amaya I came back with a Hawkgirl DC statue...I didn't buy much but I spent a hell of a lot...suddenly I feel like I didn't take advantage of the situation. Next year...even more money! =P 

    Posted Jul 21, 2012

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