My Short Lived Military Career

By demoman, Posted 20 Mar 2012

As the title says I had a short military career. It was cut short due to my asthma coming back and killing me on the runs. I did get to do and learn quite a lot.


I got to play with an M4, M203, M249, and M240B. We were issued and had to carry around our M4's almost everywhere. They were zeroed to each individual soldier, which is why we kept them. I named mine Freya. Her and I got along well and together we were very accurate. If I was better mentally, we could have easily met the sharpshooter grade.

The M203 was underwhelming for a grenade launcher. We got to fire 5 chalk rounds (which just let loose a poof cloud of orange dust). It has a lot more recoil than expected, but the sights are a real bitch. 2 people got to fire live rounds and 1 lucky arse got to fire a live AT-4 rocket launcher.

The M249 was kind of cool. We each got 50 rounds to play with. They went by fast. The M240B is the big brother to the M249, firing 7.62mm rounds compared to the M249s 5.56mm. We only got 30 rounds with it. TO be honest, I prefer semi to full auto. You can actually hit your targets on semi and you waste a lot less ammo.


I learned land navigation, first aid, and a lot of battle tactics. I got to wear full combat armor too. I learned a lot about myself and met a lot of interesting people (some more assholish than others). During my last few weeks when I was pulled from training (PFT), I did a lot of writing. I planned out a few youtube videos and started a new novel which I may post part of here.

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  • Welcome back solider. Who would enjoy a military training more than you? Despite the unfortunate event, it seems you've enjoyed your stay. Do you think those new battle tactics will help you to win more strategy games that you play?

    Posted Mar 20, 2012

  • @Amaya: I already knew the tactics. They are just a slightly modified version of the 4 F's (Find them, Fix them, Flank them Finish them). We just get on line, half get in flanking position, sweep across the area, the other half then sweeps the area again perpendicularly to the first batch.

    Posted Mar 20, 2012

  • Welcome back bro. Any longer and i was going to drop you a letter lol. I have the address saved around here and stuff. You have been missed :(

    Posted Mar 20, 2012

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