See You Soon

By demoman, Posted 09 Jan 2012

Tis my last post before I leave for basic. I disappear now for about 19 weeks. Upon my return, I shall continue the KvS series, as well as start a Doom 2 playthrough, a Dark Souls series with Will Scot (my Demon's Souls boss LP character), and possibly more.


For now, I leave you with my final youtube video before departure.

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  • Was it the strategy or your units were stronger than compared to the enemy? None of their units stood a change. Your General's unit was strongest of all. And this video is comparatively interesting than your previous fights. I'll share it in my facebook group.

    And good luck with your tanning. Hope you return in one piece.

    Posted Jan 09, 2012

  • noooooooo we will miss you!!! nooooooo!!!!!your vids do us honor. please make sure you take no arrows to your knees

    Posted Jan 10, 2012

  • Doom 2!!!! Sweet!! I havent played that game for a long time!!

    Posted Jan 12, 2012

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