Hey everyone I'm not sure if anyone remember me, but I haven't blog or posted in any forums for about a good year or so. Been quite busy with college and will be graduating next semester. So now it's winter break, finally can finish playing most of the video games that I have bought. More updates coming soon...

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  • I don't recall you but it's always nice to see an old face around. Welcome back :) Don't forget to tell us about the games you are planning to catch up. I could also recommend few titles if you want.

    Posted Dec 30, 2011

  • Hi there! It's been a while. Hoping to see you more often. :)

    Posted Dec 30, 2011

  • @Amaya yeah I only here twice and been quite busy never had time to log in here,

    @canana yep I mostly will be active :D

    Posted Dec 31, 2011

  • Just like canana said, it'd be nice to see you around often :) So what are the games you picking?

    Posted Dec 31, 2011

  • @amaya At least I have the whole month off from college winter break, so I have time to blog and all :). I recently purchase Assassin Creed: Revelation, Fatal Frame  1 and 2, Battlefield 3 and some others :D

    Posted Dec 31, 2011

  • I've finished Revelation couple of weeks back. If it wasn't for the ending, I would've been very upset with the game. Battlefield 3 single player sucks bad. No real direction of it. Then again it's mostly a multiplayer game. Try Batman Arkham City if you get spare time. It's so far the best games came out recently apart from Skyrim.

    Posted Dec 31, 2011
  • avatar RON

    Welcome back :)

    Posted Jan 04, 2012

  • welcome back mate

    Posted Jan 05, 2012

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    New Website!

    By JPPT1974, Posted Feb 24, 2013

    Hey I like the new banner. Just need time to get used to. Hope that you all are doing well. Blessings of March on the way!


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