Call of duty...

By CaseyD, Posted 02 Nov 2011

I cannot believe another one is coming out.. in 6 days! A lot of my friends have been saying that battlefield beats MW 3 but im not sure i always have high expectations from Call of duty... What do you think? Are you excited? 

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  • Always been a hardcore COD fan and will remain so forever. Nothing beats the COD series in shooting.

    Posted Nov 02, 2011

  • @Amaya: I completely agree! I pre-ordered the Hardened Edtition, and I can't wait! Only bad thing though, is that I'm in far away from my PS3 when the game comes out :(......


    What consoles do you play on? Or are you PC-gamers?

    Posted Nov 02, 2011

  • Wow @CaseyD lives!!!! liiiiiiivveeesssss!!!!!


    Yea so i agree with @Amaya . COD is pretty solid and i guess each has its fan base if you really think about it. i never really played a BF game to tell the truth...but COD I have played for a bit before a long pause and then picking up in MW...and i must say i am waiting more on that than BF3 :P

    Posted Nov 02, 2011
  • avatar RON

    I suspect the single player campaign is surely going to be as short as its predecessors. Other than that it’s a good game to look forward.

    Posted Nov 03, 2011

  • @Julian93 PC all the way. Why will you be far from PS3?

    Posted Nov 03, 2011

  • @Amaya: I'm going on a school trip to Istanbul -_- It'll probably be fun as well, but not nearly as fun as locking myself up in my cave and play non-stop for 3 days....

    Posted Nov 03, 2011

  • @Julian93 : Nah PS3 can wait. I wouldn't miss a trip for only gaming to be honest. Then again, it's a brand new COD we are talking about :P

    Posted Nov 04, 2011

  • @Amaya: yeah, i was probably exaggerating a little :P

    Posted Nov 04, 2011

  • I always had a slight shrewed look on Modern Warfare series. The reason I play COd is only for the campaign, that is all. As for multiplayer I will still wait, but in my opinion I am enjoying BF3 more than what I witnessed in Black Ops. Maybe because it became too much generic for me since I come from Unreal Tournament, Counter Strike background.

    Posted Nov 04, 2011

  • The last CoD game I bought was the first MW at discount price. I'm skipping both this and BF3, I'm afraid.

    Posted Nov 10, 2011

  • On the BF vs. COD argument, I like that Battlefield attempts to be different with its huge scale and variety on how to tackle the objective, but it just can't beat the simplicity of Call of Duty. BF struggles from trying to do so much compared to COD's streamlined gameplay which is polished to near perfection, plus there are the oh-so-rewarding killstreaks and the great leveling/stat system. That's just in terms of online multiplayer.


    MW3 gets another edge over BF3 because the campaign absolutely blows BF3's out of the water.

    Posted Nov 10, 2011

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