Dr Who

By Dan, Posted 17 Jun 2011


Go watch the new series of Dr Who. Start from the 2005 one with Christopher Eccilson as the Doctor.
 then Marvel and the awesomeness of David Tennent as the Doc from 2006 til 2009.

and now Enjoy Matt Smiths quirky Doctor with the episode from last week which has TOTALLY blown my mind. expect this to be talked about on the next Podcast!


go! Do it now.. I COMMAND IT! ;)

comments powered by Disqus

  • I've only watched the Eleventh Doctor "religiously", but how good is it hey?! :P

    Posted Jun 17, 2011
  • Last time I saw doctor who, I didn't get much of it :(
    Posted Jun 17, 2011

  • i havent finished the new runs. i left it at season 3 and have only watched an episode here and there. My most favorite episode thus far as to be "Family Of Blood" that ending was simply magnificent. Tenth Doctor has to be my favorite...or rather, he is for the sole reason that the 9th Doctor only lasted 2 seasons, because he was darned awesome!

    Posted Jun 17, 2011
  • avatar Dan

    @caityful: I think its a great show! i absolutely love it! Matt Smiths Doctor is Quirky and nerdy i love it.

     i reccomend watching it!

    @Horgen123: give it another chance! for sure! this season is just MENTAL!!!

    @Dramus: well i really think you should give it another try! Dave Tennents Exit is one of the most sad exits i've ever seen, i cried! Chris Ecclesson was great! he was the cool bad ass doctor! Dave is the funny mental unpredictable doctor. and Matt is the quirky nerdy doctor!


    seriously guys i watched the mid season finale last night! of season 6. its just.. mindblowing

    Posted Jun 17, 2011

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