
ok here's the story.

I played PS on midnight as usual (because I can more focus on the game, especialy harvest moon)


its summer 15th 2nd year. I did my routine activity on that game and saw that there will be a storm tomorrow, so I prepare the farm to face it.

summer 16th. I go to bed right after I woke up.

summer 17th, its Ann's birthday and I was invited to the party.

and when I go out and ready to go to the party, my farm was CORRUPTED !!!

the house, barn, poultry, and the field is broken.  I though its just the disc error, but when I checked my brother's save file. nothing's wrong woth the farm. (WTF !!!)


I tried to reset and cleaned the disc, but its still broken. =="



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  • Ouch...that really really really hurts lol reminds me of one of best run throughs when i was playing the original one for SNES. i had the almost perfect game...then 2 hurricanes back to back. i was devastated.


    Moral of YOUR story? Cheaters ALWAYS come out on top :P

    Posted Apr 01, 2011

  • Sorry to hear but this Harvert moon isn't firmville, right mate?

    Posted Apr 01, 2011

  • @Sleven not a chance Harvest Moon is a very good farmin sim that also includes dating and stuff like that. Its very very cool and good.

    Posted Apr 01, 2011

  • For a broken disk like this, the games deserves to be cheated!!!! Go cheat on it!! We are with you.

    Posted Apr 02, 2011

  • @Sleven @Dramus @Koshai

    dramus : yeah... I think its karma.. I'm a cheater. (-_-!) (but I didn't cheat for this game)


    sleven : the game rate here (a few years ago. 9 years ago I believe). was on top. peoples hunted the game guide, secrets, recipes (for cooking). and even there's some pirate ship who made the indonesian language version.


    koshai : but still I have to start it over. i have to go back to the first year.

    make good relationship with peoples, clean up the field, enlarge the buildings, upgrade tools, and i can't enjoy the money I get from that farm. (-_-!)

    Posted Apr 02, 2011

  • Interesting. Can you give me a link of any review of trailer?

    Posted Apr 03, 2011
  • Posted Apr 05, 2011

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