And here comes the 111th Blog, of course the Nelson Number :D So stand with one leg :P


Blog title says all, The Red Carpet is only 3 days away! Lets see who win this time :) If you want to let them know your choice, log on to & vote! "You're invited!"


For regular discussions of the awards on all categories & poll voting on Best Picture, use the Media Portal Forum Thread. I'm posting only the "Best Motion Picture" part here in this blog.


Best Motion Picture Nominees

Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
The King’s Speech
127 Hours
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter’s Bone


And if you want to have a look at the previous 82nd edition of OSCAR Winners, this is it.

Also to check on The Golden Globe Awards, here anihimrox posted 2010 Golden Globes Discussion Thread month ago for you :)


And here I'm finishing off with a question:

Are we going to have another Soccer Guru competition? I know if there are enough users to submit the predictions, there will be one! Folks, time has come & please shout out loud! :@

comments powered by Disqus

  • Yey toy story its the only one of them that i watched apart from inception i seen it and wasn't so impressed but i hear black swan is Alright

    Posted Feb 25, 2011

  • toy story made it? really im impressed.

    Posted Feb 25, 2011
  • avatar RON

    It's strange that Megamind didn't make it.

    Posted Feb 25, 2011

  • Tough fight between Inception and Black Swan in my opinion. Toy Story 3 was the best of its series as it was more adult oriented. but a good competition none the less

    Posted Feb 25, 2011

  • I've never watched any Academy Awards in my life before. I'm such a big loser ;(

    Posted Feb 25, 2011

  • @Sleven - you're yet to be grown-up, kid :P You'll be able to watch tons of them in future! No worries.

    Posted Feb 25, 2011

  • I always forget the timing.

    Posted Feb 25, 2011

  • I never follow these things, I always learn who and what won because many people at my work talk about it, and then I go like "ok.. who's that guy anyway?"

    I'm a big zero when it comes to artists/actors/etc names, who's who, what is what, and whatever else fits in there lol.

    Posted Feb 26, 2011

  • I have a feeling Black Swan or the King's Speech may get the Oscars.

    Posted Feb 27, 2011

  • @Koshai - The King's Speech! :D

    Posted Feb 27, 2011

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