By Davidpro, Posted 19 Jan 2011

ARG!!!  I just wrote a blog that took some time to type, but stupid me forgot to copy it before i tried to post and it got DELETED!!! ughhhh

But don't worry, Noobs!  I will delete this blog and rewrite the other one tomorrow!
blehhhh :((((

Good Night, Noobs!
I'm about to pass out. :P

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  • No hurries, take some time if you need :)

    Posted Jan 19, 2011

  • poooorrr david :P

    Posted Jan 19, 2011

  • Damn it. This auto sign-out bug needs a quick fixing.

    Posted Jan 19, 2011

  • Thats why I always write my things in notepad and the copy & paste when I'm finished with it.

    Posted Jan 19, 2011

  • This purely sucks.

    Posted Jan 19, 2011

  • Awh im sorry, im sure your blog will be awesome to read when you re-write! :D Sowweee David.

    Posted Jan 19, 2011

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