feel stressed ?

By samael63, Posted 17 Jan 2011

if you feel stressed, get your self a break and get some cake, pie, ice cream or pudding.

because STRESSED spels backward is DESSERTS

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  • lol so in all technicall terms, Feel Desserts!?

    Posted Jan 17, 2011
  • avatar RON

    haha well picked. I just don't like the idea of eating when I'm stressed. How about a hot bath and a sound sleep!

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • i sort of go to my religious belief when im stressed or nervous or depressed... but deserts works too!!! lol

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • You missed drinks :P

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • Keen observation. Exercise helps me get rid of stress.

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • Nice, I'm going to use this one someone I know :P

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • well... actually a full relaxation is the best way to release it... and sweets foods can give happiness xp

    @Dramus : I'm still confused with Desserts words.. I'm still can't make difference the word dessert (like sahara dessert), dessert (like dinner dessert), and the word dessert (like desserter army) and I don't know is the word is right for each mean... ==" (english isn't my mayor language)


    @RON : if it's works to you than anything else.. do it !!


    @CaseyD (lara) : it works too to all of my friends in my place. (and I don't why it doesn't really works for me ==" )


    @bizzy : ah yeah.. for the drinks, some sweets beverages is good to calm down the temper. or milk, or some alcoholic beverages.. (works for some peoples).

    but mostly peoples drink is coffee or tea.. (it can make the atmosphere around is calm)


    @kelaidis : exercise with boxing will make it much better.. :p


    @WillX47 : use it to a girl for a reason to ask her get lunch together.. xp

    Posted Jan 18, 2011

  • @Samael63 understandable. here is a quick guide/lesson.

    Dessert - Is the food (pie icecream pudding)

    Desert - is the location with alot of sand and stuff.

    Deserter - is the person who abandons his duties in the army or stuff like that.

    In short, when you see 2 "S" (SS) Then its the food. one "S" is the place with the sand. and if it ends in "ER" and has one "S" then its the person who is about to get shot for leaving his post during a war :P

    Posted Jan 18, 2011

  • I'd relax with some music and sleep, but thanks for the tip 

    Posted Jan 18, 2011

  • @Dramus : nice........ :D

    Thanks :)


    @Horgen123 : ohoho... nice one... :)

    Posted Jan 20, 2011

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