
By Davidpro, Posted 16 Jan 2011

Hey, Noobs!

id Software's brand new game, Rage, is a first-person shooter (with RPG traits) set in the post-apocalyptic Earth that was created when the astroid, Apophis, hit the Earth. Rage will be using a brand new game engine called ID Tech 5, an engine that is being used for Quake and Doom 4.

You will find many impressive features in Rage, such as: Engineering, Racing and Vehicle upgrades, Weapon attachments and ammo upgrades, Minigames, destructable structures, and many weapons such as a boomerang that returns to the user.

http://rage.com/main.php (a fun interactive website)

(Sorry about the bad writing, I'm writing while im half asleep. :P)

Peace Out, Noobs! xD

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  • That game looks pretty goddamn awesome!

    Posted Jan 16, 2011

  • agreed haha

    They created about 13(i think) mutant clans that each have a different fighting style.

    Posted Jan 16, 2011

  • Let's here some thoughts people! :P

    Posted Jan 16, 2011

  • it looks like fallout with a borderlands skin... which really turns me off.

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • Yes, but remember this game was under production and announced before either of those games were in production or announced.

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • All first person shooter games are great this one seems to have good graphics

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • That would be because of the new engine, id tech 5.

    (To lazy to write so copy & paste FTW!)

    The initial demonstration of the engine featured 20 GB of texture data (using a more advanced MegaTexture approach called Virtual Texturing,[5] which supports textures with resolutions up to 128000x128000 pixels), and a completely dynamic and changeable world. This technique allows the engine to automatically stream textures into memory as needed, meaning that the developer need not concern themselves with memory restraints or texture limits. This has the advantage of simplifying the creation of content, by eliminating the need to adapt content for different platforms. The engine automatically optimizes resources for cross-platform development, making it possible to render the same models on different platforms, while only creating them for one platform, further simplifying cross-platform development.[6]

    One of the visually evident features the renderer will include is a penumbra in the shadowing (soft edges), by using shadow maps. In contrast, id Tech 4, which featured a different shadowing technique, had very sharply defined shadows. The engine will likely feature numerous other advanced graphical effects such as various materials for lighting, high dynamic range rendering-centric effects, bloom, crepuscular rays (volumetric lighting), soft particles, pixel shader effects, alpha to coverage, post processing, dynamic water surfaces, procedural animation, cloth simulation, depth of field, and motion blur. The engine will also support multi-threaded processing on the CPU for many of its tasks, including rendering, game logic, AI, physics, and sound processing.

    ^rights to wikipedia :P

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • As long as the game is good, I don't care much about its engine.

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • ^Agreed :P, but I still like to know what makes it different from other engines. haha.

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • Change the graphic art style and you have Borderlands (which i am a big fan of).

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • Yes, but like i said earlier, it was being developed way before borderlands was :P

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • I am expecting something big to happen. Just like how id released Doom 3. Doom 3 was a great game and had a great engine!!

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • Definitely adding it to my wanted list.

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • Interesting. I might take a look on it as well.

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • I'm glad that I have been able to convince you Noobs to want this game. xD

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

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