After 1 year

By tanvir, Posted 16 Jan 2011

First i wanna say apologize for came back after 1 year but i always missed this site and all blogers. I had some problem in my pesonal life now i am totally free. But i was always keep and touch with ron. He always give me good advice he always give me right track. When i meet with him i fell shy cause i had write in this site regular but now ................? but he know all about my self why i am absent. when i meet with him i fill tempest in my heart cause i love noobfeed and ron but i am not gamer but i wanna be gamer cause ron make me crazy he didn't told me tanvir you play game i fill it in my heart cause i love ron and noobfeed & all bloger. Today when i was meet with him and noobfeed topblogers  i decited  i wanna come back so ................? when i come back in my home i bought a game dvd WWF-2010, I know this old game but i take this for beginner. Really i enjoy this game.

comments powered by Disqus

  • Good to see you blogging, mate :) I watched a lot of WWF/WWE but never tried their games though. I hunted down Wrestlemania DVDs but never been able to get those here in BD. Enjoy the game & don't leave us once again.

    Posted Jan 16, 2011

  • Welcome back and I hope you will have a great time coz the community got bigger.

    When was the last time I played a WWE game? I need to remember!

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • I own two of the WWE games on PS2, they are really great games.

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • kelaidis# yes its really grest game

    koshai# i wanna always keep& touch with noobfeed

    bizzy# i won't never ever leave this site cause i love this site.

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • @tanvir - That's great to know. And please use '@' in place of '#' like I did for you. See? It sent a notification to your profile (look at right over your profile).

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

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