Yes, I discovered Steam... the digital distribution program made by Valve, not the term for water vapor.


So yeah, today, I'm in the mood to play Super Meat Boy, but my Xbox 360 broke.


So I thought, "Hey, it's released on the PC too, wasn't it?"


So, I checked on the Steam website (I knew, at that time, Steam existed, but I never use it before) and found Super Meat Boy on sale for $3.75.


So, I was like, "Holy Crap! I'm getting this game."


After I logged on to my account of Steam and install Steam to my PC, the sale was gone, it was back to $14.99.


I was like "Oh, NO!"


Then, I downloaded Torchlight demo. That game is fun. Good loot game. I might buy the full game. 


Then, like 4 hours later, I checked the Steam website again, Super Meat Boy was down to $7.49.


I was like, "Hey, that's doable, I'll buy it now."


So, I bought it. Played it for an hour today.


Impressions of Super Meat Boy: Fun. Hard. Kind of cute actually. But Hard. Harder than Demon's Souls. Still fun.


Now, I'm just talking for no reason. Sorry for wasting your time. I don't why I even wrote a blog about this. 



Steam is pretty awesome actually, I never noticed it before, but now, I'm definitely taking advantage of that and playing PC games more often. Actually, more like playing PC games that my computer can handle, like indie games. Yay for Indie games 



Sorry, Cole MacGrath, but Super Meat Boy is now my avatar.

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  • avatar RON

    Yesterday I went to buy few games on steam for a friend. When he gave me the list of games they were all below $5 but after 6-7 hours when I went to buy, they were all above 15. So my suggestion with Steam will be that if you want to buy any game, buy it stop on, don't wait. Take yourself as an example. You could've bought it on 3.75 instead of 7.49.

    Posted Dec 28, 2010

  • @RON: I know, I pretty much blamed myself for waiting. Because Super Meat Boy is awesome and I wouldn't even regret it if I paid full $14.99. Even though $3.75 is super cheap, I'm pretty happy about $7.49.

    Posted Dec 28, 2010

  • You shouldn't have waited mate. Though you still got it cheap. xD The only game I posses in Steam was gifted by @deliduck :D I don't have a credit card to buy games online.

    Posted Dec 28, 2010

  • demon's souls is tougher than SMB. i mean, with SMB your skills improve absurdly fast. mark my words, at some point you'll go back to the early stages and you'll laugh at them.

    you shouldn't have purchased it BTW. steam is on holiday sales, a bunch of games keep getting in an out of sale every day. super meat boy was a "today's deals" 3 times already.

    Posted Dec 28, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS: I argue otherwise. I think Demon's Souls is actually not as hard as I thought it was. Of course, I died plenty of times, but I was never struck on anything, especially if you grind for experience a little bit. Maybe I'm being too cautious, but I didn't have much trouble on anything expect on one boss yet.

    If you want to be good in Super Meat Boy, the only way is to improve your skill.

    If you want to be good in Demon's Souls, there are often more ways you can, there is more sense of progression, that's why i think it's easier.


    I'm really happy i paid $7.49 for Super Meat Boy, because that game is worth so much more. And i like the developers, thus they should have my money.

    Posted Dec 28, 2010

  • well i paid $11 for mine (pre-ordered it), and i like the devs too (check my blog before i put the new one up :P)

    Posted Dec 29, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS: Yea, I read that interview. Those guys are awesome. Plus Brendan wrote a pretty good pun for the title.

    Posted Dec 29, 2010

  • Next time make decisions quickly

    Posted Dec 29, 2010

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