Long time no see

By David_D, Posted 21 Dec 2010

Well, I've been busy but found a few hours today to look through a few things on the boards and catch up a little bit on things. Life is still hectic, but I've also been making decent progress with the gaming. I've been on Fallout 3 for about 3 weeks now and liking it very much. It has a few more glitches than the average game but nothing major so far and since its an older game they had plenty of time to fix it. Still several titles left to play as well though. After Fallout 3 will be Borderlands and then New Vegas. I hear New Vegas is pretty glitched still so I figured playing Borderlands first would give them another month or so to fix it a little more so when I do play it I won't have any major issues. Forums look kind of slow though since it's been a few months since I've looked through them and really nothing new there, and not a whole lot of activity. So make sure to leave me a lot to read through when I get the chance to stop by again. I'll try doing that on days off from now on, but during a work day between that and housework and other things that get in the way I just don't have the time to spare. Also saw a few new faces around the boards from when I left and the return of animihimrox (SP) so hopefully things keep going in a positive direction in the future and if anyone needs anything that I can help with my PMs are always open. I haven't forgotten about here, and won't. In the future I'm hoping to have more time for here, but for now things haven't changed much with the free time, and I just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that things are ok, and that I haven't forgotten about here and that I will try stopping by a little more often so feel free to leave me something to come back to below in the comments section. :)

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  • New Vegas is glitched when you download it from Steam. I've played it for 40 hours already and so far nothing found. I never had problem with Fallout 3 too. Maybe it's the version you're playing. I'm not sure though.

    And, don't forget that you were the tonic to our forum and it's not unexpected that things became slower after you left. Though it's mostly exams and holiday time and guys are busy with many things. But it's good to see you are catching up in your free time

    Posted Dec 21, 2010

  • i heard new vegas' glitches have been somewhat corrected. borderlands has been quite disappointing so far :(


    you should post on the forum a bit before leaving again :D

    Posted Dec 21, 2010

  • @Sleven : I haven't had any major glitches with Fallout 3, for the most part it runs smooth, loads smooth and play smooth 99% of the time. Just little stuff like when loading into a new area random stuff falls off the shelves, or dead bodies go haywire on the ground for a few seconds, and other tiny things that don't take away from the overall experience of the game. I'm also thinking about getting the "Broken Steel" and "The Pitt" DLC for it as well Thursday, the other few DLC packs didn't look all that interesting.


    @FetusZero has kept me up to date with the patches for New Vegas, and showed me a list of things they fixed, but according to him it still has freezing issues, but eventually I will find out first hand anyways since I'll be playing it in the not to distant future.


    @BrunoBRS : See above what I've heard about New Vegas, I'm still looking forward to playing it a lot though. :) Borderlands was on sale for $40 for the GOTY Edition with all the DLC included when I picked up Fallout: New Vegas so I just couldn't resist getting it since I have liked all I've saw on it from what I've searched and watched as far as gameplay goes. I also did leave a few posts on the forums, but didn't have time to do a whole lot today since I wanted to get a good session in with Fallout 3 because I've been waiting for almost a week to get more than an hour here or there a night after things calmed down. I got in a good 6 hours or so with it today though, which makes me happy. Just taking a short break to check on the blog. :P

    Posted Dec 21, 2010

  • I think it'll be a good idea to play Borderlands before starting New Vegas. Else you might get bored of the game. Because in Vegas you have to walk a lot more than 3, which needs patience and a little boring unless you are a fan of this series. The number of missions are also 5 times than Fallout 3.

    I don't remember you posting here. So it's always good to see old members making their way back to the home. Welcome back, even if your stay doesn't last long :)

    Posted Dec 22, 2010

  • Hi David  I was wondering why you never visit us more. You and Fetus left together and I have no one to post my videos in the forum

    Posted Dec 22, 2010

  • I didnt play any of the DLCs but I know that Broken Steel is good.

    Posted Dec 26, 2010

  • good to see ya after so many days.

    Posted Dec 26, 2010

  • I just sent a PM to someone that contained the exact same words as the title, then scrolled down and saw this post. WTF

    Posted Dec 27, 2010

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