Yes. Yes. I have awaken from hibernation.


First, I want to apologize for suddenly disappear for three/four months. Then again, when I "introduced" myself in the summer, I said I was very busy during the school year, so I was likely to be gone for the time being.

For those who counted on me "to make some stuff", sorry, I been super lazy/busy, but mostly lazy :P

And for all the PM's that I ignored, sorry again, I did come and check out some of the news and forum once in a while, but I never actually reply any PM's.


Now that out of the way... Hi! How's my favorite gaming community do?

I'll keep my list of updates short:

My Xbox 360 broke - RROD

Got a PS3 during Thanksgiving

Add me on PSN: Echofoxz

Playing Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls, Warhawk, and Medal of Honor

Very very very busy senior year... then again, I can't complain against college students, they have it much much worse.

I do plan to... at least... be active during the winter break.


So, I'm back for a little bit, happy holidays, and sorry again!

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  • welcome back, i assume you'll only stay as long as the break lasts?

    will work on adding you on PSN later, when i actually get to bring my PS3 to my room :P i'm BrunoBRS on PSN too, so if you wanna add me first...

    Posted Dec 18, 2010

  • One console for another. Not bad.

    Posted Dec 18, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS: yes, i'm back for now at least, depends on how busy next year i will be, i might stay active a little longer. Cool, i'll add you sometime today.


    @Amaya: Not bad indeed. Actually i perfer the PS3 much more than 360.

    Posted Dec 18, 2010

  • I came out of hibernation 3 days ago

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

  • Great to have you back, hope you stay for at least the break.

    I was just on the forum and saw your sig, got to say I like it ;)

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

  • Welcome back mate Sorry to hear about the RROD but you have a new console to play with now. What games are you plaing with it?

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

  • @WillX47: Thank you and Thank you


    @Sleven: Like i said in the blog, I'm have Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Demon's Souls, Warhawk, and Medal of Honor. I'm currently playing Demon's Souls.

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

  • Oh I was going to ask what are you planning to buy for it this Christmas.

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

  • Haha try hish school and college at the saem time!!! :P

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

  • @Echofoxz : I guess if you have the warranty you should send the console to Microsoft right away. Microsoft has extended its warranty to 3 years instead of 1 year. Its only when there is a RROD.

    Posted Dec 20, 2010

  • one fall. one other shall rise.

    Posted Dec 25, 2010

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