Introductory Blog ! ! !

By Toushiro, Posted 01 Dec 2010

Hello my NoobFeed fellows, I sincerely apologize for not being present in the NoobFeed World for quite some time.  I had my own problems to solve like Deliduck.  Anyways, I’ll just get to the point straight away without further delay. 


My Name is Toushiro and I am a newcomer in NoobFeed.  I am generally a very kind and sympathetic person but at the same time also get very angry at times.  I like to give something to people rather than take all the time.  I am an introvert and also shy but am trying to break that barrier and socialize more with people.  My Family means a lot to me and especially I am very close to my Mom.  I have a younger Sister and that’s it.  “Small Family, Happy Family”.  I have 2 very close friends who like me a lot and accept me for who I am.  Other than that, I don’t have many friends.  To some extent, do not like people who are always late.  I like those who makes the effort of coming on time. 


I have completed my Bachelors’ Degree from Melbourne, Australia.  Currently, I am working in a multinational Company back in Bangladesh. I haven’t travelled to many countries except India, Nepal, Malaysia and Singapore. I hope that here in NoobFeed, I will be able to find some good friends whom I can be very close with and get to make a strong bond with my NoobFeed Family. 


Well, that’s it.  If you like to know more about me, just comment on my blog or send me a message if I missed out anything about myself. Again, I apologize for not posting this sooner.  Especially to Sleven coz he was waiting for this one.

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  • Well, straight and to the point. Welcome aboard dude. hope you enjoy it around here. Plenty of enjoyment to be found and the people are awesome.

    Posted Dec 01, 2010

  • I love your username You went to Singapore  It's the best country in this world

    Posted Dec 01, 2010

  • @xiao is in love :P

    welcome to noobfeed! :D

    Posted Dec 01, 2010

  • Nice knowing about you mate and thanks for the blog :) If you ever visit Singapore again, you must contact me.

    Btw, why did you go to Bangladesh after studying from Australia? Isn't Australia a more developed country?

    Posted Dec 01, 2010

  • Welcome! Did you forget to put your nationality?

    Posted Dec 01, 2010

  • Welcome to the brotherhood:D 

    Posted Dec 01, 2010

  • It's a nice experience visiting many countries. Would've been better if you had many friends from those places.

    Posted Dec 02, 2010

  • That's amazing ^^ I wish i could go to so many countries I've never left the US >_< As for disliking when others are late, i have to agree with you. Of course i always go 20 minutes early ._. Anyway nice to know more about you :)

    Posted Dec 02, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS : Toushiro is awesome and girls love him

    Posted Dec 03, 2010

  • Well bro, i'll c u when u'll back from Bangkok. Remember u r in our team now.

    Posted Dec 03, 2010

  • @Toushiro : welcome mate!! i mean belated welcome!!! if you are currently in Bangladesh than I can hang with you one day. I am coming to Bangladesh in mid-Dec!!!!

    Posted Dec 04, 2010

  • @Koshai : Sure. I'll try to make free time and hang out with you.  Thanks for the offer.

    @monkeyfeed : Thanks.  Of COurse I am in your team now.  Um, why monkeyfeed?

    @Xiao : Wow! I never thought I was that popular among girls.  A big hug for the compliment.

    Posted Dec 06, 2010

  • @CrazyTop : I ma sure you will have opportunities in the future to see many beautiful countries and cities around the world.  I have also lots to see and learn even though I have just been to five countries so far. 

    I also arrive 10 minutes earlier to make sure that the first impression is that of a good one.

    @biZZy : I am from Bangladesh.

    @Amaya : Yes. It would have been better If I could have made friends.  It's that I am shy and do not approach to people unless I know them. 

    @Horgen123 : Thanks, Brother.  I can count on you for anything. Can I?

    @Sleven : I'll definitely try to contact you If I go there again.  I cam back because I had some complications and my parents wanted me to come back being their only Son.  So, I thought I can stay close to my parents and take care of them.

    Posted Dec 06, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS : Xiao is in love with whom?

    @Xiao : Thanks for loving my username.  I like yours, too.

    @Dramus : Thanks for being my friend.  I will enjoy and make a nice NoobFeed with all of guys by my side.  It's nice to have such warm greetings from everyone around here. 

    Posted Dec 06, 2010

  • Great! Good to have one more user from BD :)

    Posted Dec 06, 2010

  • @biZZy : Thanks, Man.  It's good to have you here, too.

    Posted Dec 07, 2010

  • Sure thing mate. Meeting someone from online will be great :D

    Posted Dec 10, 2010

  • @Sleven : Of Course.  Meeting the Great Sleven will be my pleasure.

    Posted Dec 11, 2010

  • I'm just an average joe

    Posted Dec 11, 2010

  • @Sleven : Every Average Man is Great in some way. 

    Posted Dec 13, 2010

  • Weclome mate :)

    Posted Jan 13, 2011

  • @EliteEdge : Thanks for welcoming me here.

    Posted Jan 15, 2011

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