The Aftermath

By DeltaX, Posted 10 Nov 2010

Well, the midterms are now over. I studied hard, and surprisingly, the material on the midterm itself was easier than the stuff we had on the 80-question homework assignment. I think I actually did well on it. At least, I hope I did. =\


CS's exams are always a program of some sort. Except in this particular case, it was a program I was well acquainted with, so I think I got it down (save for inserting the wrong C++ library at the beginning, that was a stupid mistake). I think I can get by, though I'll have to shift gears to full focus on CS now that math is over.


Anyways, I've gotten Black Ops for the PC now. MP works well enough, so if any of you guys have Steam, look up DrBulletPhD (properly written as Dr. Bullet, Ph.D, since the space requirements in BO are small) on Steam. BO is such an amazing game, it makes me question what I've been missing out on. I'm not that bad at it, really.


Thanksgiving and the holiday season are coming up. Time to be reminded of my loneliness again.



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  • Great to hear mate. Questions were easier because you studied hard ;) I'll have my copy of Black Ops pretty soon too. Check my blog :D

    Posted Nov 10, 2010

  • lol i will definitely check out the Dr Bullet PhD game!!!

    Posted Nov 10, 2010

  • I will take a look at DrBulletPhD. Is it a shooter?

    Posted Nov 11, 2010

  • @Sleven: Check what on your blog? xD

    @Koshai: It's not a game. =_= It's my ID tag on Steam.

    @Amaya: Read above!

    Posted Nov 11, 2010

  • That I'll be playing Black Ops too :P

    Posted Nov 11, 2010

  • Oops my bad!!!

    Posted Nov 13, 2010

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