Dead Ops Arcade

By deliduck, Posted 08 Nov 2010


Warning...If you dislike spoilers...or finding out the little goodies some games have to offer before you play the game itself...don't watch this...or read further. :P

Oh yes an arcade mode in Call of Duty Black ops. You can either watch the video there...or I'll embed one here to for the lazy non clickers of you.


It looks quite interesting this extra little game mode. ZOMBIES!!! BRAINS!!!



On another note...I'v not been feeling particularly happy lately. It's all this school and some other stuff. Other stuff makes me feel...BLARGH.

And no I didn't make that video. I'll make videos maybe when I play Black Ops...though I don't know if I will get to it the day it's available. I will have it just...will be busy.

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  • not watching. because i might end up getting the game, i like the concept of the new multiplayer system.

    Posted Nov 08, 2010

  • Sorry seems as if the video got taken down due to copyright issues or something. hah. I'll post one soon in its place. Too lazy to delete the whole blog. :P

    Posted Nov 09, 2010

  • i think Activision doesnt want to show us or else the sales gonna go down!!!

    Posted Nov 09, 2010

  • don't delete the blog, just add another one :P

    Posted Nov 09, 2010

  • Fingers to the copyright issues

    Posted Nov 09, 2010

  • ^ Easy Amaya :P It's a shame that the video was remove and the blog maker is too lazy. lol

    Posted Nov 09, 2010

  • BTW, the button to unlock the chair is melee + grenade buttons.


    Anyways, I played BO (lol, BO) MP today finally and I have to say it's amazing. Now, I've never played MW/MW2, so that's probably why.

    Posted Nov 10, 2010

  • @DeltaX...It actually runs like crap on a lot of peoples PCs...there was some major bug they neglected to attend to which makes several people unable to play it worth a ****. -_- im angry...graaaawr so angry and in pain from ankle no other responses can i muster.

    Posted Nov 10, 2010

  • @CrazyTop : I am one of the Lazy non-clckers.  Blood & Gore is not my thing but It's a good video.  Thanks for uploading, Shaylee.

    Posted Nov 10, 2010

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