I recently got a job working for Home Depot.

Orientation was this past Friday. So far I've been training this week. The other 4 newcomers that were at orientation with me are really nice, and really cool people. I've made friends with each of them. Two of them are department supervisors so I'm glad we're friends. :P

All the employees there are really awesome and I can't stress enough how I'm loving it so far. My first official week starts next Monday. My job there is a Lot Associate. What I do is keep the parking lot clean and make sure the shopping carts are at the right place and not all over the lot. I also help people load things that are too heavy for them to do alone. Also occasionally I will help out in store as well.

Well that's it for now. Please wish me luck with the job. :)

comments powered by Disqus
  • Well done on the new job mate an good luck :)

    Posted Apr 07, 2009
  • any job is better then fast food *stabs self for working at wendys*

    Posted Apr 08, 2009
  • Good luck with the new job!

    Posted Apr 08, 2009
  • Good luck with the new job man! I'm sure you'll do quite well :D

    Posted Apr 08, 2009
  • avatar RON

    congrats mate. and goodluck with the job :)

    Posted Apr 08, 2009
  • @Ilias
    Thanks a lot, man. :)

    Lol, a job's a job. You can maybe sneak some food at least. :P

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you as well! Yesterday was my first actual day on the floor and man my legs hurt today, lol.

    Much thanks, Ron. I'm going to try my best. :)

    Posted Apr 09, 2009
  • Nice, you'll really start seeing an impact with your first few paychecks. You'll think you're mad rich, and then sadly it's all down hill from there.

    Love the thought of achivements being unlockable in real-life.

    Posted Apr 11, 2009
  • Congrats on the Job.  I need to pick one up over the summer :(.

    Posted May 23, 2009
  • avatar RON

    So, how's it going with your job?

    Posted Jun 23, 2009

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