Ever have one of those weeks?

By deliduck, Posted 29 Oct 2010

Do you ever have those weeks where it seems no matter how much time you devote to school, or work , or a project you just seem to fall behind?


I seem to have done that this week.

One assignment took me days to complete. Another a few more days...and before I know it it's friday and I haven't even started the reading for all 4 of my classes this week.


It's just one of those times where no matter how much work and reading and stuff I do I still seem to be behind. Grr.

And I stay up until 4am...but after about 1-2am my brain can no longer function for reading and such so I just kind of mull about.

I'm playing Mass Effect 2 when I can...I really like it. Totally a game I should have gotten long ago.

My new computer chair should show up tommorrow!

And here is a video by a band I listen to a fair amount. The band is called the Gazette and the song is Regret. Their japanese so unless you speak japanese you wont understand the lyrics but it's music just listen and watch the video! :P

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  • avatar RON

    Most of the task I do, gives me that kind of feeling. Played ME2 twice and it’s a game you can play time and time again.

    Posted Oct 29, 2010

  • well i have been behind all week for 2 weeks because i want to really. all else fails, ill just stay an hour or 2 after work by myself and take care of everything. i can do a weeks job in an hour if i am left alone with music in the office :P

    Posted Oct 29, 2010

  • Nice song. Amaya will understand it well. Maybe you are studying too hard. I never had such feeling when I was studying :P

    Posted Oct 29, 2010

  • Man, you're lucky. You only got a week. I had three and sucked at tests. This is going to leave a mark

    Posted Oct 29, 2010

  • I can understand coz i had the same thing when I was in undergrad. Finished ME2 in insanity by which i felt so good. You should try it too!!!!!

    Posted Oct 29, 2010

  • @Deliduck : Nice Song.  I heard it.  Wow, you are like my sister.  She loves Japan and their music so much that she listens to them all the time.  She is a big fan of the Band "Gazette".  


    Believe me Deliduck, There were a lot of weeks back when I was in University, where I just couldn't keep up no matter how hard I tried.  I even cried for a week that why couldn't I finish the assignment on time?  Of course, I had to drag myself to finish it and most of the time I ended up doing it quite nicely.    

    Posted Oct 30, 2010

  • It can be because of you are too serious about your studies and trying to do too much. Try to relax some time sis, and don't let yourself under too much pressure. ME2 is still one of the best games I've ever played. I fall in love with Miranda though out the game and eventually I lose her in the end of the game. It was pretty shocking for me.

    Posted Oct 30, 2010

  • God bless ya on your weekday schedule struggles.I'd say  'work less hours' , but it's naive, as I don't know your finance situation.

    Posted Oct 31, 2010

  • Wow lots of people to respond to!

    @RON I can tell already it will be a game I spend more time then once playing. I am sad I didn't get it sooner.

    @Dramus I'm still behind...Well even more behind as next weeks assignments are just about to come out.

    @Xiao I may be studying to much. Or maybe I am just not meant for this University thing.

    @Augustus I am not too great at huge tests. The ones I do decently on are the like half a section ones. I am terrified of my finals.

    @Koshai I think I might over the christmas break when I have more time to just sit and play some games!

    @Toushiro They are a wicked band. I have loved them ever since way back in 2004 when I first heard them.

    @Sleven I have to do as much as I am doing and more with the studying...One of my profs doesn't even allow late assignments at all....He literally wont mark them. It's a fail for that assignment if you hand it in late! -_- Talk about tough. HEY spoilers Sleven perhaps I didn't want to know that. >_>

    @stitch321 Actually this is like an everyday struggle list. lol. I don't know the difference between weekdays and weekends anymore....Most of my assignments are due on sundays each week believe it or not. The joys of online classes! I am actually not working at all at a job at the moment. It would be near impossible for me as childcare costs are through the roof. I am living on student loans and won some grants from the government as well. I am also up for some scholarships that I applied for recently and will find out about those soon.

    I wish I could work but without someone to watch the kid that would do it for free that was close to the family I don't really feel right about it. I see so many parents now adays seeing their kids less then the babysitters do and I don't want that for my kid.

    Posted Oct 31, 2010

  • Absolutely on the childcare ish.There are so many wierdos out there, it's just not worth the risk!

    Posted Nov 03, 2010

  • No no. It depends on how you decide your end. In my second play I was able to keep her alive.

    That prof is a nut. You might have submitted late but you did the work.

    Posted Nov 03, 2010

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