Tough Decisions

By David_D, Posted 21 Oct 2010

I've been thinking on this for a while and finally came to the decision that I just don't have the time anymore to properly devote to the site so I am stepping down from the Assistant Community Manager. This isn't a goodbye blog, so you will still see me around on occasion, but lately things in my offline life have just been getting more hectic and it seems like I am constantly fighting to find time to fit everything in and it has come to the point that I need to make some changes, and less time online would help me a lot, and not feel so stressed and overwhelmed with everything else in my life. I appreciate the opportunity that Ron gave me here since it's something I always wanted to do, enjoy to do and wanted a chance to prove myself in, it's just a shame that I couldn't do this for longer, or help more while I was here but I just can't keep juggling everything anymore and it's time to do the responsible thing and step down and make room for someone that is better qualified and has the proper time to devote to the site that I just don't have anymore.

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  • Thats sad but I respect your decisions. You are doing great for the site.  Hopefully you change your mind and you are always welcome to take back the spot.

    Btw when we are hanging out lol!!!!!

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • Thanks for everything, David. I hope I can see you around on other places and if you need anything you know where you can find me. 

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • That's sad news but I understand your decision,you are doing great for the site,for helping people on the forums and we thank you for that, hope everything in your life get sorted soon,

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • No David. Please. Not again :( Maybe you can cut short your daily gaming sessions spare some time for us. You know that we need you here.

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • i think ron would agree that whatever spot you decide to leave behind, he'd gladly give you back if you asked

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • I think you can still do pretty good job for the site.

    Posted Oct 22, 2010

  • Its okay, your still a Super.  SUPER MODERATORS! UNITE!

    Posted Oct 23, 2010

  • I'll miss you David :(

    Posted Oct 23, 2010

  • Lack of time is screwing with everyone lately. Hopefully we can all get things straight. Thanks for all youve done for the site, we all apreciate it!

    Posted Oct 23, 2010

  • You gotta do what you gotta do. You emblems reflects why you were given the Asst CM position but it's a shame that you can't continue. I've faced similar situations before and realized that escaping from online life doesn't really help too much. I think you are the David who had been uploading videos in noobfeed and few others pages I've been promoted as an admin. I surely will miss your contributions. If you feel like staying in touch, add me in facebook.

    Posted Oct 23, 2010

  • Thank you all for the nice comments and it is really good to know I am appreciated around here, which is why I haven't left entirely, I just don't have the time in my life right now to devote to so many things, especially the forums since they are so time consuming, but I will still come by to check messages and keep in contact the best that I can. Between overtime at work from being short, housework and other more personal issues that I don't want to share since it's well... personal I just don't have a lot of time for online right now. I'm hoping in the future that will change but I just don't have the time to properly devote to what I'd like to around here. It's not an easy decision for me since for a long time I wanted to be given a chance to prove myself as more than what most saw me as and be in a position to really help people and now that I finally found that chance thanks to Ron life has to throw more things in the way. I feel horrible about this, I really do and I feel like I'm turning my back on a loved one for doing it, that's how much I really care, and I wish the best for here. It was a tough decision and a necessary one, I have no idea when I will be able to come back on a more permanent basis but as soon as I can I will. But after going 12-14 hours a day between work, housework and other things the few hours that I have all I want to do is relax, maybe sneak in a few hours of gaming and then get some sleep. On top of it all I'm also sick and still on antibiotics. I love you all and I thank you for being so understanding.


    On days off when I have a little more time I will keep you updated with blogs and try to work in the occasional video for content for the site, and still help in that very minor capacity, otherwise any questions you may have feel free to PM me and I will get to them as soon as I am able.

    Posted Oct 25, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Take your time and sort things out David. You know that our doors are always open for you. Just ask for the badge when you think you are ready :)

    Posted Oct 26, 2010

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