Video Blog 2

By WillX47, Posted 20 Oct 2010


Here is my second Video blog. In it I focus on my DS game collection, giving a few of my thoughts about a some of the games. 

I think it went a little bit better this time, at least it wasn't my first time using the equipment. Tell me what you think, and enjoy Laughing


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  • Indeed it is not morning for me when watching's afternoon. I don't own a DS. Woulden't mind owning one but eh not gonna buy one unless I find it really cheap. I'm not into the handhelds really. Someone should buy me one...then I'll use it. =D

    But I did have a question...How long is the Kingdom Hearts game? Did you play the Kingdom Hearts games on the PS2? And if so how would you compare them? Obviously taking into consideration that they are on different systems. lol

    Posted Oct 20, 2010

  • Your English is perfect :o (a smiley)

    You have a great game collection, how about showing us your other games? 

    Posted Oct 20, 2010

  • "huum"..."huum"... just pointing this out :P

    bangai-O spirits? children of mana? did you steal my collection? because as far as i know, i'm the only one who actually bought those... YOU SKIPPED THEM!!!! ring of fates... hmm... never played the multiplayer with other people, to be honest :P you know i'm watching so "don't tell bruno" is stupid, right? :P and what's with the pirated ZX box >.>

    phantasy star zero... never managed to buy it *sob* scribblenauts SUCKS!

    Posted Oct 20, 2010

  • *canana's post appears out of nowhere*

    @canana - maybe because he's american so, unlike us, he doesn't have a latin accent :P

    but he does sound more clear than most people... considering i just found out some people don't fully understand what i say, i'm pretty depressed by this matter >.>

    Posted Oct 20, 2010
  • avatar RON

    It's a shame that you lost the AoE game cartridge. And, the same compliment remains like the last one.

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • It was morning when I watched the video -crazy - you have a lot of Ds game-maybe more than me,i'll check later as they are in a drawer in my room- think my little bro lost a couple Ds cartridges :( - I might be getting a camcorder soon- so I might give the video blog a go,any thing i should avoid?

    I was think of getting Dragon quest 9 for my bro,as he likes games like that,e.g Final fantasy,Kingdom hearts,the world ends with you etc

    once again good video

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • It was morning for me :P

    You need Advance Wars Dual Strike, it's much easier than DoR.  I haven't played much of Bleach Dark Souls but I played a ton of its predecessor, the Blade of Fate, and it's an amazing fighter.  It's a shame people mistake it as something else :/

    Yeah you should finish Kingdom Hearts, the ending is pretty good.

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • It is morning and I am waiting for my food because I need to cook that myself. I have the Phantom Hourglass from your collection. Its pretty good. I need to start playing Pokemon games when I get another DS myself coz I gave that to my sister. Btw where do you live?

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • Are you sure that you didn't take any acting lessons?

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • @deliduck - Well if I had a million dollars I would buy you a DS, but I don' I won't :P. Kingdom Hearts should at least take around 30 hours, but I can see that you could spend more time on it then that. As I havn't played any of the other games in the series I don't think I can answer any of the other questions...sorry.


    @canana - First off, thank you for gracing my blog with one of your rarely used smileys :P, as for my English I'm sure being born and raised in northern America helped with that :D.


    @BrunoBRS - Yes there was to many "umms" and what not, and I cut out even more :P. No, I'm more in to handhelds then you are, so this time your copying me (for once). I didn't mention them because they are not the highlights of my collection. ZX isn't pirated, it just a used game box from gamespot, they only had the they gave me a makeshift box. To bad you didn't get Phantasy Star Zero, it's pretty good.....and yes....I was just trying to find a nice way to say that about scribblenauts :|


    @RON - Ya, I have missed it, but that's life for you. Thank you for the compliments.


    @Cian - Maybe more then me? I didn't know you where a DS guy, good to know :D. Funny, all my games are kept in a drawer in my room :P.

    My only advise on video blogs is, when your recording it do it in sections. Let the video record for a second or two before and after you start, makes a huge difference in the editing.


    Posted Oct 22, 2010

  • @Vari - Well then good morning :P. Mabye sometime I will try the first advanced wars, although it never really apealed to me, both because of the art style and I'm really not a fan of RTS or TBS games.


    @Koshai - Well we should have had breakfast together :P. I moved to Tennessee a few years ago (one of the states in the USA). It's not to bad, it's 109,412 sq km of forest where peope have cleared out sections for citys :P


    @Sleven - What? Your joking right?

    Posted Oct 22, 2010

  • Nope. Your facial expressions are just like Jeorge Cluny :o

    Posted Oct 22, 2010

  •  I'm starting to like seeing you talking. You have some nice collection of games :)

    Posted Oct 23, 2010

  • @Sleven - Well thank you for thinking so, but I do think you ment George (with a "g")


    @Xiao - Thank you, in fact I'm finding that I kinda enjoy making the blogs :P

    Posted Oct 23, 2010

  • Insightful and the blog was again executed very well. However... Lame explanation for being obsessed with handheld games! Oh, and might you end a video blog like you would a phone conversation or a presentation?

    Posted Oct 23, 2010

  • Oh yes yes :P It's a G.

    Posted Oct 25, 2010

  • Oooh! Hey Will speaking of black and white have you seen the sprites for the 5th gen pokemon. There are a ton of them ( i feel like im in 3rd grade again lol). You can go check them out on if you haven't already; which im sure you have.

    Posted Oct 27, 2010

  • Next time talk about me when you make a video blog :D

    Posted Oct 28, 2010

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