Just Cause 2 Progress

By David_D, Posted 13 Oct 2010

Needless to say I've spent a lot of hours with this game and still have a lot to do, but also still having a great time with the game as well. Just to give those of you that haven't played it an idea of how huge this game is I am going to provide some stats for you from my in game experiences.




Game Time: 32 hours 1 minute | Total Chaos: 403,360 | Total Earnings: $1,798,700 | Agency Missions Completed : 2 | Faction Missions Completed: 7 | Stronghold Takeovers Completed: 4 | Locations Discovered: 75 | Locations Completed: 61 | Unique Vehicles Driven: 24 | Fully Upgraded Items (Weapons): 1 | Resource Items Acquired: 487 | Weapon Parts Acquired: 172 | Vehicle Parts Acquired: 156 | Armor Parts Acquired: 81 | Cash Stashes Acquired: 78 | Faction Items Collected: 29 | Black Boxes Collected: 3 | Drug Drops Collected: 12 | Skulls Collected: 14 | Total Kills: 1,728 | Headshots: 683 | Elites Killed: 340 | Demolition Officers Killed: 7 | Military Vehicles Destroyed: 48


Those are just some of the stats, there are a lot more as well since it keeps track of all the Sabotages I've done (608) and breaks it down into exactly how many individual things I have destroyed, such as Pipelines, Propaganda Trailers, Satellite Dishes, etc. I still have a lot to do, but at least now when I look at my massive in game map I feel like I'm making progress finally and in time I hope to have all the locations conquered and at least most of the collectibles found as well. I'm not going for 100% completion and will move on when I finish all the missions and locations, but that will still be a while since I've done more than scratch the surface but still have plenty left to do as well.

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  • I am not familiar with that game, but it seems like an improved Mercenaries 2. 32 hours sure is a lot, how many to you think that is needed to a 100% completation? 

    Posted Oct 13, 2010

  • @canana : Well I tend to take my time with games so someone could probably have done 100% completion on the game but I'm hoping to do it in 60 hours, but might even take longer than that, since there is something like 370 locations and I've only done 61 of them. They vary a lot though since some locations are very large, like 2 of them last night that took me around a half hour to do, where other ones are smaller and only take a few minutes to do. Also I'm starting to get a lot better weapons which helps so even the bigger locations will fall faster once I max out a few more of the weapons I am working on and get more health upgrades. So it's really hard to tell, since once I get the huge main area done where everything is really spaced out and time consuming and start working on the smaller areas with better weapons things could speed up a lot. Either way though this is definitely the biggest game I've ever attempted to take on.

    Posted Oct 13, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Does it really worth the time you're spending on it David?

    Posted Oct 14, 2010

  • Ive wanted to play it for a while now but never got round to buying it.  Maybe I should.

    Posted Oct 14, 2010

  • Looks like a lot to do in the game. I've only spent that much of hours with GTA and Fallout3. Just Cause 2 was rated well but I'm not sure about the game. Is it really good?

    Posted Oct 14, 2010

  • You surely have great determination. I am gonna credi you that!!!

    Posted Oct 14, 2010

  • @Ron @bigbadsad @Amaya @Koshai

    Ron : To me it is, sure I'm not amazed by it, and I wouldn't call it a top end game but I'm having a lot of fun with it and the huge map is impressive and looks good, also I haven't had any issues with the controls.

    bigbadsad : If you don't like sandbox games then I wouldn't though, it's a lot bigger than GTA games with a lot more to do, but the story isn't as good, the characters aren't as good and the cut scene graphics aren't as good, in game looks great though, although still not as good as GTA IV, but close enough for government work. :P

    Amaya : I still have Fallout 3 to play, I have it just need to get time to play it. Just read through my previous comments to see, but also if you're unsure I'd suggest renting it before buying it, since a lot of people have disliked the game, I'm just one of the rare few that do like it.

    Koshai : You're still the man though... for now. :P

    Posted Oct 15, 2010

  • You have been talking about this game for quite a while now. Don't you have any new game to play?

    Posted Oct 15, 2010

  • @Xiao : I have a lot of new games actually but I don't start a new game until I'm finished with a current game I am on. I just do one at a time.

    Posted Oct 15, 2010

  • You are just opposite of me. I keep many games installed and play a little from each when I have time. Not every day I have the mood for same game.

    Posted Oct 16, 2010

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