The PC Upgrade

By the_13th, Posted 13 Oct 2010

Over the last 4 or 5 years I have said a number of times that I wanted to upgrade, for a number of reasons (mainly money) it never was able to happen. With my career going well and finally in a situation to put money aside I was finally able to put the money aside and a computer was what I decided to buy first. I set myself a Budget of BELOW $1500 and thankfully I didnt just meet but that kept well below.

Current PC Specs:

Intel i5 760
Gigabhte GA-P55A-UD3R
G.Skill Ripjaws 4GB Kit (2 x 2GB) DDR3-1600
eVGA 1GB NVidia GTX460
Corsair HX650
Coolermaster Hyper 212+
Pioneer DVD Burner
Fractal Design R3
Logitech G110 Gaming Keyboard

For the moment I'm still using my Logitech MX1000 from the old system as well as my Samsung BBW 22" Monitor, for the first time in my life I've even overclocked. In the past I would never have risked it and I've been very conservative so far whilst I'm still learning.


I've been very happy so far, the next purchase will be a new LCD TV to replace my old 80cm Box TV, followed quickly by a decent sound system.


I can post a photo or two if anyone in interested in having a look, I am also willing to write my thoughts on any components people are looking at for themselves... The Fractal Design R3 is a fantastic case especially for the price.


Im going to leave it at that for now. If you have seen a part you want to ask about or would like me to go in to more detail let me know.


The 13th

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  • avatar RON

    Nice setup. Though you should’ve bought TwinMOS TwisTER instead of G.Skill Ripjaws. Fractal Design R3 does look plain and simple.

    Posted Oct 13, 2010

  • WOW nicee! Why not i7 mate? Those DDR3 1600 will run like hell I suppose :)

    Posted Oct 13, 2010

  • You sure did spend some good cash on the rig.

    Posted Oct 13, 2010

  • You've made it a beast mate. Awesome PC :D What will you be playing on it other than Crysis?

    And, I'm sure the PC master @FetusZero would love to say something about your machine :P Hold tight mate :P

    Posted Oct 13, 2010

  • Thanks for the comments guys. To answer a few questions.

    Ron: I chose the R3 because I wanted a quiet case, its going to be used equally for home theatre, I liked the simplified design, its a sexy case in its own way, or atleast in my eyes... Also the airflow is fantastic.

    biZZy: Just decided it wasn't worth the extra money to me. Also would have meant waiting an extra 2 weeks... haha

    Amaya: Keep in mind that I'm from Australia, our prices are still a bit more expensive, depite the strength of our dollar. Sad thing that if our dollar does overtake the american we're probably still going to continue to get ripped off by those importing everything in to the country.

    Sleven: Definately intending to, looking for some suggestions of "must buy" type stuff, next purchase will probably be the Orange Box, not for Half Life because quite frankly I was never a fan but for TF2 & Portal... I'll have to wait and see what FetusZero has to say.


    The PC

    Posted Oct 14, 2010

  • wow Nice PC :D

    Posted Oct 15, 2010

  • i5 is good too!

    Posted Oct 15, 2010

  • You need to fill up those empty slots with spare HDDs in future ;) I have 3 atm.

    Posted Oct 16, 2010

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