Video Blog 1

By WillX47, Posted 11 Oct 2010

Ok I'm going to say up front that I know this sucks, but it was my first time doing somthing like this and the first time I had used the editing program. I learned alot that can be used to improve any future video blogs, but it's to late to use any of that new found knowlege in this one. I nearly didn't put this one up thinking that I would just wait until I could put together a better one...but I don't know when that would be.


So if you want to watch it here it is, like I said...I know it isn't very good.

BTW, the audio seams to be mono...sorry about that.


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  • i created a fad! :D

    gonna watch later, as i'm late for a meeting with my friends at the bar :P

    Posted Oct 11, 2010

  • :lol Great job. I'd say pretty good for your first try; not that I'd have any experience in watching video blogs so I have no idea. Bummer about the interruptions though.  Oh dude, you and Bruno should have a video blog contest. Like, both of you take x amount of time to make the perfect video blog. Ahem. Anyways... You sure you're a fan of handheld gaming or just Nintendo handheld gaming?  Speaking of DS games though, I did pick up Phantom Hourglass. It was there so...I got it... Have yet to try it. Regardless, whatever the result, I blame you.

    Posted Oct 12, 2010

  • Nice blog. You talk like movie people with nice expressions :) Smart idea doing the video inside your car.

    Posted Oct 12, 2010

  • I actually really liked it, very good job, and I so need to get better with my own effects in video editing, Bruno and you definitely have a big edge on me for that. I look forward to future ones of these from you as well, very entertaining and you're much better in front of the camera than I'll ever be. :)

    Posted Oct 12, 2010

  • Hello car!!! The video is pretty decent quality for a first try so good job with that. The one thing I try to do but I always fail is to build up my collection of handheld games. I naturally end up buying console and pc games.

    Posted Oct 12, 2010

  • Nice idea blogging inside the car. lol. Atleast you had fair reason for it. You too are a DS fan? I thought you were into Xbox :o Wait I remember. You partnered up with Bruno at the Handheld board and kicked me out for supporting PSP over DS :P Btw, you have your own car? wow.

    Posted Oct 12, 2010

  • impressions as blog goes:

    you sound older than i expected, though we are the same age, sooooo... :P

    oh yeah and you're not doing the silly faces you do when taking pics :P

    way too many games :P

    thanks for mentioning me! :P

    way too many ":P" on my post :P

    Posted Oct 12, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS - Yes, you always create fads :P. I sould older then you thought I would? Is that a good thing or bad :P ? and yes, I have to many games :P


    @TempTech - Hey I'm glad you liked it, I don't know about have a compitation with Bruno. I'll just let him do his thing and I'll do mine :P. No I'm not just a fan of "Nintendo handheld gaming" but I may talk about that in my next blog.


    @Xiao - I talk let movie people? You know that's not the first time I have heard that :P.


    @Koshai - They car said to tell you high :P. I understand your gaming habits, we are all different.


    @Sleven - Ya the car worked out good, it might turn into my studio now :P. I hate to think that me and Bruno kicked you out of the handheld forum...we just like debating :P, please come back though. Yes I'm glad to have a car to, but I can't really drive it right now as I don't have insureance on it, we'll put it on when I get a job or have need of it on a frequent bases, otherwise there is no reason for me to pay that bill every month.



    Posted Oct 13, 2010

  • well i don't know, like xiao said, you sound like some sort of george clooney spoof :P all you're missing is the looks :lol

    and now that i think of it, i probably have more games... i just never put them all up together :P

    Posted Oct 13, 2010

  • Psh, I don't see why not. Competitions are fun. ... To watch anyways... Well, it depends. Oh? You better have a darn good explanation then. I can't see you supporting anything other than Nintendo handhelds.

    Posted Oct 13, 2010

  • It's actually nice seeing a shorter video blog after all of Bruno's longer ones :P  I think you did a good job with both the video and the editing, especially considering this was a first. 

    Was that another Dragon Quest game above DQIX?  It was all white and I know DQIV is like that on the side so I was just wondering if you have the impossible-to-find DQV :P

    Posted Oct 13, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS - george clooney? really? What do you mean I don't have the looks :P


    @TempTech - ya ya, I'll talk about it for sure now...see if I can't clear some of this up.


    @Vari - You might be right, I'll try to keep them all in the 5min range. The other DQ game was DQIV, pretty much a straight port...I havn't really played it and don't plan to :|

    Posted Oct 14, 2010

  • A stright port?  No no, it's definitely a remake, just look at the original :P

    Unless you're talking about the PSX remake, but that never came here, and they did make a little jump from that one to the DS one either wya.  My brother actually just beat it a couple of days ago.  Why do you have it if you don't plan on playing it?

    Posted Oct 14, 2010
  • avatar RON

    You sure do have a good expression when you talk. I’m sure you get that a lot from others.

    Posted Oct 14, 2010

  • you know what i mean, you holiwood star wannabe :P

    @vari - heeey i can read your posts, you know >.>

    Posted Oct 14, 2010

  • Nice blog You have a lot of DS games-What do you think of the hotel dusk series?

    but once again nice job with the video blog-

    Posted Oct 14, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS - I didn't say yours are bad; I was just saying that Will's had a nice change of pace, that's all :P

    Posted Oct 14, 2010

  • @RON - Thanks you sir, I wouldn't say I get it all the time, but your right...I have been told that I'm expressive :P

    @BrunoBRS - Sure I do, just have to give you a hard time before I admit it :P. Don't be to hard on know what he ment to :P

    @Cian - Thanks man, while I don't own Hotel Dusk I have played it, I really liked it. If you don't mind a slow paced game, and some thinking, you will be rewarded with great story and good characters.

    Posted Oct 15, 2010

  • Nice blog :D Yup, a video blog filmed in a car is not something you see every day :P

    Posted Oct 16, 2010
  • avatar RON

    During your college and uni project presentation it will work like butter for you ;)

    Posted Oct 19, 2010

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