Headache inducing environment

By Gallifrey, Posted 26 Sep 2010

That is what i'm in right  now. Piles of assignments, a hot and damp weather, and one noisy apartment.

I can't wait for this semester to end. I'm bringing my family to a nice beach somewhere.....

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  • Good luck with the semester mate.

    Posted Sep 26, 2010

  • I hope things go well for you :)

    Posted Sep 28, 2010

  • @sleven, @Xiao

    Thanks :)

    Posted Sep 28, 2010

  • You are welcome :)

    It seems like not many people know you around here mate. See if you can read others blog and make some more friends :)

    Posted Sep 29, 2010

  • Good luck!

    Posted Oct 01, 2010

  • @Sleven

    Ah, lonely in real life, lonely on the interwebs as well....



    Thank you.

    Posted Oct 03, 2010

  • It's you who decides mate. The more you interacts the more friends you make :) Good thing about internet life is that nothing goes so complicated as real life. No one is back stabber and certainly no one is jealous about what you do. Sometime I wish I could trun this weblife as my real one.

    Posted Oct 04, 2010

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