Home At Last...

By Echofoxz, Posted 28 Jul 2010

Yes, I'm home at last.


After my 2 weeks of engineering program at Purdue was done, I thought I was going home, but no...


So, I end up going from West Lafayette, Indiana to Dayton, Ohio to see the Air Force Museum. From there, we drove all the way to New York to see Niagara Falls. From there, we drove to University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.


Anyways, I'm home. I get some time to relax, then soccer season starts in a couple weeks.


Btw, anybody played LIMBO? Give me a one word review on the comments if you have played it.


I suppose I'm free if anyone wants to request a design or something.


Anyways, thanks for reading.


- Echo

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  • Welcome back mate :D Sounds like you had a long tour. Though I never felt you were gone. You really kept in touch :D Not sure about the game. Never even heard of it. Perhaps @FetusZero or @BrunoBRS did. Ask me why I think of them? Because, whenever I hear a game which I never hard before, first thing comes to my mind that they might have played it. lol

    Btw, I didn't know you follow soccer too :D Which team do you support?

    Posted Jul 28, 2010

  • Welcome back, Echo. :D Hope the program was fun enough.

    Posted Jul 28, 2010

  • i've heard of it, and i'd love to try it out, but... i don't have a 360 >.>

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • Woah woah woah woah woah wait a minute...

    I live in/work in Dayton, Ohio (Okay well technically I live in a suburb of Dayton but woah!)  When were you in Dayton?  The Air Force Musuem is pretty cool I've been a couple of times.  See I was just telling Shin the other day Noobfeed Ohio meetup could have worked lol xD

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • Haven't played it myself, so can't give you much feedback.

    Yeah the football season is going to be awesome, LIverpool kick off theirs tonight with a tough game in the Europe League qualification stages. Would ordinarily be a tough one, but we don't have many first team players back, and the ones we do have probably won't be playing.

    Anyway, sounds like you had a great trip.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • Welcome back :D Did you do anything interesting during the trip?

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • Like Sleven, I never felt you were gone. Welcome back anyway :D

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • @Sleven: Thanks. Yea, it was really long. I guess I had my laptop with me, and wherever i can get wi-fi, i posted a little here and there, maybe that's the reason i kept in touch. FetusZero and Bruno are both very knowledgeable in games, i would ask them too, expect Bruno doesn't here a 360 :P. I enjoy playing soccer, however, i don't really watch soccer expect the world cup, maybe the european cup. I support national teams. :P

    @DeltaX: Yea, it was really fun. It got me interested in engineering and Purdue, it's now one of my top choice for college.

    @BrunoBRS: Too bad... i could tell that game was very much your type, you like a lot of niche games

    @nerdboy: Actually a friend of ours lives in Centerville, Ohio, that's why we went there and visit the museum.

    @fishdalf: when you said "football", my first thought went to big dudes withing pads tackling each other. Then i realized the rest of the world don't call it that. :P Anyways, like my answer to Sleven, i don't watch too much club soccer, i mainly just watch world cup and european cup. But glad to see you so excited for it.

    @Xiao: What? Traveling half the country wasn't excited enough for you? :P Out of all my stops, i really like the University of Michigan. In one of the tour sessions, the guide mentioned for computer engineering/computer science major, the senior project was to make a video game. I was like "SOLD!". So yea, pretty fun stuff. :P

    @Tanya: Thank you. Btw, keep me posted about the podcast.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • lol. I thought you were excited about EPL. Never mind though. I'm not much into national soccer, since my country team will never make it to the national stages :P

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • How was Purdue anyway? I was supposed to go there!!!

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • Welcome home! 

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • Welcome back! I didn't even know you were away though >_> or I didn't remember it lol.

    Limbo you say?


    Sleven hit the bullseye.. it's an independent game, of course I have heard of it ;p But still, while my word is "Exquisite", I still think that other indie developers would deserve the spotlight much more than PlayDead.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • If you get to see the UFO wing at the Wright museum, make sure to post pics!We were there years ago, and some of it was closed to remodeling.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • Welcome back and good to hear it was fun

    Posted Jul 30, 2010

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