It's something in the water...

By Yaoi, Posted 14 Jul 2010

This is my second week living in Vermont. Almost the end of the first week with my sister and company.


Lots of company. So let's start there. Who's idea was it to have friends? They need to go in the shame corner, like, now, nd never come back. Because well, my sister and her boyfriend have lots of friends. Lots of friends who like to come and go on this one-floor one bathroom-bedroom flat as they please. Non. Stop.


Honestly, it's a good thing that bI have been chugging soda like mad lately to stay up (sorry skin, I mean well. :c) or I would just-- I don't even know. But my bed is right near the door and it's just... I need sleep, y'know? Mostly because I have toi get up before 1 pm these days with work and babies and dogs and people.


But thankfully that is no longer a problem because I have a new best friend.

Please and thank you~


Yes, I have moved onto the real guns of video games.  Goodbye, Nintendo.


One of my best friends, and only girl I'd be lesbian for, has raved about Assassin's Creed for the past, like, 6 months. I know the whole story line and The Truth and everything. I made her tell me because we both thought I'd never get the chance to play it anyway. BUT AHAHA! I see a flaw in that logic! Thanks to Casey being a total hardass about me renting a PS2 game ("Shadow of the Colossus is a terrible game! It's on the PS2!" "What the hell does that have to do with anything?" "We have a PS3 Myumi. GET A FRICKIN' PS3 GAME.") I went and saw Assassin's Creed II at the video store (wanted to get Bayonetta too, but they weren't selling it and Casey has to own everything).


I have been playing it every free moment I get.


We have the first one as well, but when I asked to play it first Casey got mad that he 'bought me a game and I don't even want to play it.' I love this game. Hard. Madly hard.


It's just fun. Somehow, without even trying. I want to play the first game, but...


[quote="Real Convo With Emma et Moi"]

"Should I play the first game first or just go onto the second because I already know how the first one is?"

"Okay, well the first game you play as Altair. He's a dick, you'd love him-"

"Wait, is he just totally dicky, or does he have a sly personality with a little dick on the side?"

"*ponders* ....He's just totally dicky."

"Yeah, you're right. I'd probably love him."[/quote]

^Basically our everyday conversation. We're almost totally alike but with scary oppisite tastes in guys, in life or etc. So every guy she hates I love and vise versa. It's a very nice system. P:


BUT ANYWAY, I've decided to skip the first game because the second game is the first game with everything fixed.  Yayyy~


So besides me being and introvert we've watched a ton of movies, which I never normally do. It's odd...


Everything has been cool here, I've been trying to stay active, but I'm obviously occupied. Cruz is the cutest birth control I could ask for and chores in this house are really easy. It's weird living in the country. Everyone is preggo and nobody has air conditioning. In his flat, we just have 3 huge fans running all day. I feel like I've landed on a different planet... Casey says all of it is due to something in the water most likely, which is the meaning behind this blog's title.


That's all. This blog might seem kind of random; that's because it is. I'm really just posting this and typing all of this out because there is NO phone service within 10 miles around this place and I feel... disconnected.
 So hallo~ o3o

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  • What's the whole story behind you living in Vermont, and where were you before? I played the first Assassin's Creed (well part of it, I couldn't tolerate it enough to finish) and hated it so I have never been interested in 2, but apparently it's actually pretty good. I don't know.


    Oh, and all your talk about bi/lesbian scares me just a little.

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • Bahaha, I agree with King. It is scary.

    I played the first AC and I thought it was great, and heard the second was better.

    And no, Altair is only a dick at the beginning of the game.

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • I forgot to add this to my original comment, Bruno would hate you if he sees this. :lol

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • I am playing ACII too :D Very addictive game. Currently I’m trying to find myself a mask for a party. How far have you played? And, I actually forgot that you’re still in Vermont. When will you come back?

    Altair wasn't that bad btw. And, even in ACII, you get to play as him in one mission too.

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • Bayonetta so um... don't play that amoung company... it's kinda... well.... i felt like i was playing a nuaghty video.... it's so.... I love it personally good game... just not around people you'll feel ackward.


    Why the hell would bi les stuff scare you? Are you not real men???? Les's are fun to watch and Bi girls let you join, how can you not see tha awesomeness in that?

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • I dont know whether I can judge Altair but after I saw what he did in ACII, I can say if I live in modern society, he does have some issues!!!

    @Knight : an episode of Manswers will support your comments about les/bi issues!!! lol!!!

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • Hmm... Where to start?

    Altair is badass, but Enzio is even more. And it's fine to know you would bi for one of your friends :P 

    Bayonetta is fun, but you feel like playing a naughty game. Great animations in the game though!


    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • It has to be Bruno who gave you bad idea about Altair. He was't that bad. Ezio is a cool character.

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • @King @DeltaX @Tanya @Knight @Horgen123 @Sleven

    @King ; Pssh, Bruno already hates me so it's all coo'. But last time I checked, he was in Italy finding me an Ezio. xD

    I live in New Jersey, but I'm not legally old enough to get a job there so my parents stuck me up here to work. Yeah, I heard it's the same thing over and over, but it's worth it at the end.

    Sorry. D: I have a lot of bi/pan friends so I sort of just got it from them. xD Almost all of the girls in my county in Jersey are bi (I'm boring hetero. ._.;) so it's not a big deal to me.


    @DeltaX ; Sorry. :c

    Anything that was wrong with the first game they fixed in the second, so I think you should try it out! :D

    I'd love to disagree!


    @Tanya ; I got kicked off right after assassinating the conspirators. I made a deal with Casey that I wasn't allowed to get kicked off today. HE LIIIIIIED. I love how there's bits of Italian in the dialogue!I have nine more days I think.

    D: Way to spoil it for me, Tanya.


    @Knight ; I've played No More Heroes in front of people, lilke at on of my mom's get togethers. All of the husbands played with me. xD And the people over here are always watching almost-porn-comdey movies so I'm sure I'd be fine.



    @Horgen123 ; I actually have yet to decide for myself... Uhh, thanks? :x

    Why is everyone saying that? It looks like a game that is beautifully majestic~


    @Sleven ; Bruno actually never mentioned AC to me until I mentioned Ezio when he said he was going to Italy, so no! :D

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • Where is this place where you have no phone service in 10 miles? Sahara desert? :lol Have fun with ACII :)

    Posted Jul 15, 2010

  • I was having my evening snake with Altair. Lucky bruno because he's just spared his life :P

    Posted Jul 15, 2010

  • Only because she happens to show of her femininity while slaying demons. It can't get much better than that, can it? But seriously you should play it. The game is fun. One of the best games released this year, best "surprise" game. 

    Posted Jul 16, 2010

  • Great game ACII, keep going until you get that platinum

    Posted Jul 27, 2010

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