Time is money!

By Yaoi, Posted 04 Jul 2010

Oh yes it is! And that is why I am living in Vermont right now. What? Yao has a life other then being a super hero 24/7? Why yes, I do and it requires moolah. Lots. Aaaaand because New Jersey has the highest age limits on everything I can't work there. I mean I'm legal to work, but I have to be 16 to get a job.


So I'm here in Vermont for three weeks busing, hostessing, cleaning, and doing whatever at the Irish Pub again. Which is total yay. I earn $8 an hour cleaning, $5 while busing w/ tips, etc. My mom's taking hlf for savings of course but I should be able to finally get my my hair done and get some fall clothes shopping done once all the payments are made.


Vermont is beautiful, and I was planning to take some pictures but... My DSi died and the charger exploded so I left it at home. So yeah. The phone service here comes and goes with passing planes. I haven't been able to keep in contact with the boyfriend, friends, etc because of it. In fact, the only person I've been able to text all week is Bruno (lucky him lol. :P). We just got wi-fi up here but this is the only time I want to use it. We only installed it because the renters wanted it... Bleh.

And my parents are anti-air conditioning so I'm outside on the porch watching the sunset atm~ It's so green and pretty up here~ New Jersey is so... urban. It's great here, super small town and safe. I can walk every morning to the convience store (family-owned, which I think is so cool) and get breakfast sandwiches without worrying of being kidnapped or worse. AWESAUCE YEAH?


So that's that. Fudge. I just noticed my webcam inner-thingy is off-center. That'll bother me forever now. D: (not that I ever use Skype anyway lol)

Sorry this blog is so boring. I'm bored and I'm going to go inside now and stop being anti-social.

See y'all in three weeks!


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  • can't believe i actually read it all O_o

    and i think if you're able to text me, you're able to text your BF, but you don't want to :P

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS ; I was afraid it was too long but after seeing Fetus' I've changed my mind. ;P

    Keep dreaming rockstar, but that's part of it. I'm afraid I'll bother him. xC

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

  • noobfeed rule #1 - don't use @FetusZero as someone you should compare blog sizes with :P

    so you'll just let him feel like you don't care instead, right?

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

  • ah come on guys, that blog Yaoi's blog isn't long lol. I thought staying inside made us anti-social rather than the other way around though o_O well it sure makes me anti-social lol.

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS ; You... quit pressuring me! D:  I told him I don't get service up here anyway so not to bother or he'll run up my bill. I don't want him to know that I do, because then I'll be waiting for him to text me constantly. Which is bad because Casey and my sister are already up my butt about everything about him. u_u'

    @FetusZero ; Well when you're on your netbook in the corner of the porch it kinda is. xD For some reason my family only goes outside to work on the house or shopping. But tomorrow we're going swimming~

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

  • I hope you can earn enough money to do whatever you like. Glad that you are enjoying your days in that small city.  :)

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

  • You mom is nice because she only takes half of the earning. My dad is so rude. He takes all I earn from the restaurant job.

    Enjoy Vermont and see you in three weeks :)

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

  • yay pocket money. you even started earning way before me even i still havent started earning yet. what's wrong with me?

    enjoy vermont. should be a very big relief for you to come to such place.

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

  • That's why I love break. More hours for work and more money to spend in the end :D Trust me, you'll love your mom for saving that half she's taking. Unless she gives that to you during your wedding for shopping. lol.

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

  • Vacation is nice! Although you are working, not working in your hometown makes it seem like a vacation still. Weird isn't it? :P 

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

  • Have fun working and earning. My earning during this break is still zero since I was working for me dad. lol. Your blogs are never boring. It's fun to read them :D

    Posted Jul 06, 2010

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