I can has siblings?


Yes. So, I have two older sisters, Marina and Kristen. 30 and 31 respectively. Obviously, because they're so much older I don't see them much because my mom is a psycho so once they hit 18 they were long gone and out-of-state.

Marina has a baby, Cruz who is now almost 4 months old. We had a (second) baby shower today in New Jersey and got the whole family together because, well, there's a lot of family and we all rarely get together.

Anyway, what I mean to say is I'm glad I didn't grow up with these guys. Siblings = annoying.

Even at their age, they still have the urge to torture me. So for this baby shower thing, Marina, Kristen and my brother-in-law Casey are staying for a week. This is the third day of this, and it's nice to have people who want to go to the shore and can drive me there but still.

So I guess I've been learning that siblings have their faults but they're pretty cool to be around sometimes.



But want I want to know is:

  1. Do you guys have any siblings?
  2. What is you're least favorite part about your sibling?
  3. If you don't have a sibling do you wish you did?
  4. Fav. moment with them?


Excuse this poor excuse for a blog I've got a headache and can't sleep. :c

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  • yeah, a brother. he pisses me off 99% of the time.

    pretty much everything, his attitude, his actions... seriously, he needs to grow a brain, it's like he couldn't care less about important things even if he wanted to. oh, and i bought him soulsilver in LA, guess what he did? threw it somewhere and went back to farmville.

    hard to know, now that i have him around.

    honestly? my best trips are the ones without him. does this tell you anything?

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • Your family sounds a little crazy...something I can relate to. Exactly how much older than you are your sisters, anyway?


    I have one sister (well technically another half....or wait I think there's actually another half floating around somewhere in the world, but they aren't something I consider true family so we can ignore these for now :P ) Overall I get along pretty well with her, even if she can be annoying at times, but I think that just is the case with all siblings. As for favorite moment, I have no idea. Too many to pick out one.

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • You are excused because I've enjoyed the blog. It's not always annoying having to live with them. Family can never be annoying no matter how much they annoy you. Deep down you always feel the connection for each other. In your case if you don't, then it's probably the long gap you've had for your mother.

    I have one younger brother and he is absolutely crazy. I hate him when he shouts if I touch his PS3. Rather than that I love him a lot. He has a illness and he can't behave normally but I still love him the same. Every single day is a favorite moment with him. Specially when we take meals together. I love when he only wants to eat my meals and even when he doesn't touch his.

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • I can has a sister. She is 4 years younger than me and me and she usually get into big battles. Its going around since we were kids and we got used to it. The least fav part of her is that when she gets in my way and takes advantage of me being bound to let her do what she wants. Like giving her the pc and the internet connection while I do nothing. Well for the third answer, I would still wished. There are lots of reasons which are abstract. Fav moment plenty or none!!!

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • I like them most of the time but I hate them when the annoy me. I have both elder and younger sisters but they are currently away from me. My favorite moment with them during any festival or ceremony. We go out together and do a lot of shopping which is fun.

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • I have a sister and I love her. Couldn't say there's really a part about her that I dislike. Of course we had the usual siblings fight when we were younger, but when you're a kid that's normal. Once we grew up that was over with. Hell, I'd even go live with her and I wouldn't mind it nor would she (in fact if I ever end up getting a job up in the city she often told me I could stay with them). Reminds me that I told her I'd visit for a weekend eventually this summer.. perhaps I should get off of my lazy ass sitting in front of this computer and do that.

    Best moments with her well.. there's just too many to name any?

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • I have both elder brother and elder sister. My sister lives in USA trying to fulfill her dream to become a celeb. I love both of their company though I haven't seen my sister in ages. Sorry to hear about your situation though. But at least you enjoy your time going out with them.

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • @Sleven : How does she plan on doing that?

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS ; He sounds like a joy. He him upside the head with it then. >D jk, sell it online or something?

    @King ; 15 and 16 years older. Yeah. Haha, I know what you mean. Both of my sisters are half but it's never felt that way since they're both been around since I have. Marina's dad is a total whore and has like 5 children with 5 other women and has only really raised one so far. I've met 4 of her sisters, 3 of them just last night for the shower. the 5th child is a 2 year old brother, and the only one the dad has been around long enough for.

    @Tanya ; You always seem to. :P So far, you've only proven yourself to be even farther away from me personality- and moral-wise, Tanya. You're brother sounds adorable actually~

    @Koshai ; Little sisters are a pain (or so I've heard). ;P You sound like a good big bro though.


    @Xiao ; Both live away? :( Shopping sounds like fun!


    @Sleven ; I want to double King's question. :?

    Posted Jun 28, 2010

  • @King @Yaoi

    She actually been doing pretty good. Did few stage shows already and fashion model for a super store.

    Posted Jun 28, 2010

  • I have a sibling. My least favorite part is that he's my twin brother. My favorite moment with him is when we play co-op in any game, having a twin is like having another you; it's like near 100% cohesion rate and we almost never screw up. :P

    Posted Jul 01, 2010

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