E3 was meh.

By Gallifrey, Posted 20 Jun 2010

I don't think E3 this year was as fun as last year's. It was probably down to my crappy internet connection, or to the fact that it was on in the middle of my final exams.

Among the new three major hardware announcements, only Move has a price point, which is quite alarming for me. It could mean that both Kinect and 3DS will be quite expensive that announcing the prices at E3 will killed the hype of both systems.


Games wise, I'm excited about......


Huh.... Most of the games that I'm excited about had been announced or known pre-E3. And to be honest, I was never super excited with Mario, or Zelda, or Donkey Kong. The only genuine game I'm probably can't wait to hear more about is probably Journey, the thatgamecompany new game for the PSN.


Are they still making Versus XIII?


1 more week before FREEDOM!

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  • It was a good event concerning the games that were announced and deserve a special attetion from me:


    Killzone 3

    Gran Turismo 5

    CoD: Black Ops

    Apart from that, I don't have nothing more to add.

    Posted Jun 20, 2010

  • @canana

    Yeah, the reason I don't mention 'em is they were all announced or made well known before E3. Unlike, last year's Metal Gear Rising or FF14, that came out of the blue.


    Posted Jun 20, 2010

  • For me unexpected was AC Brotherhood. And, I agree with you. E3 this year was just average.

    Posted Jun 20, 2010

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