When you log in on a forum...

By 2ndWonder, Posted 09 Jun 2010

When you log in on a forum such as: NoobFeed, Gamespot, Gametrailers, Gamewinners, etc. What is the first thing you do? Check the forums for new posts and topics, check out the new releases, news, etc.

Me? I always check my profile (my blog) to see if there are any new comments or my in inbox to see if there are any new messages.

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  • That's the first thing I check as well. Whenever (however rare it is) I post a blog, I always check for new comments and stuff. Afterwards, I scour the forums for previous threads I've recently posted before and see if someone replied on my posts. Mostly I don't reply, I lurk. :P

    Posted Jun 09, 2010

  • My blog, then I go to the forums. 

    Posted Jun 09, 2010

  • I pretty much do the same as you. After that, I am on my way to the forums.

    Posted Jun 09, 2010

  • I go to my profile, then check the boards.

    Posted Jun 09, 2010

  • Depends I guess. Sometimes I'll check my profile, articles, or go straight to the forums.

    Posted Jun 09, 2010

  • check for messages, new posts on my blogs, new blogs, check the blogs that catch my attention, then go and open as many tabs as my PC can handle on the forum :P


    also, i'm always logged on gamespot, it's my homepage and i never click "logout" :P

    Posted Jun 09, 2010

  • I usually check my profile first, read any new blogs from my friends and then head over to the forum.

    Posted Jun 10, 2010

  • I usually look to see if I have any new PMs. If not, I sign out. If so, then I check, reply, and move onto the forums.

    I guess if I have a new blog up I check that to, but I most likely don't.

    Posted Jun 10, 2010

  • I check for new blogs. My notifications. Then Welcome noob thread. Then Off topic board. Then PM. Then everything else.

    Posted Jun 10, 2010

  • I go to the General gaming discussion and system war boards. Then Sports, then rest of the boards. Then blogs and comments. I hardly receive any PMs. I answer them when I receive one.

    Posted Jun 11, 2010

  • I usually check blogs a lot.

    Posted Jun 11, 2010

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