30th august 2009. At that day my team had the first match of the new football season. I just moved to a new club so I was really excited. I did everything possible to make a perfect start. From three months before the first match I went to the gym. To train my legs and improve my condition more. At the last week of august I had the feeling I’ve never been so fit before. I was ready for the first match. The game started well, within ten minutes I scored the 1-0 for my team with a lob from just outside the box. Then disaster struck me. I ran toward the ball, a defender was there before me, so I turned to run an other way. That’s when my body turned but my left leg stood still (was stuck) in the grass. I heard a loud snap in my knee and fell to the ground. I knew it was bad.


After some weeks I had the MRI scan. And it was indeed what I was afraid for: my cruciate ligaments snapped. One of the worst football injuries. It means that you’re out for at least 9 months. Most likely even more. I went to a physiotherapist for months to train my legs so I could go into the surgery with strong legs, it would be better for my rehabilitation. Three months ago, on march 3rd, I finally went under the knife. I’m now at one third of my rehabilitation scheme. Walking is going well, but that’s it. No jogging yet.


This injury period really changed my life. I don’t want to do all emotional but playing football is one of the most important things for me. Now that isn’t possible for already half a year and still a half year to go I really lost fun in a lot of things. I know I should try to clear my head but I really hate the injury. I haven’t sprinted since 30th august 2009, I don’t even know how to do it anymore. But as I said it really changed me. I feel like I’m edgy much more often and I can’t enjoy things like I did when I had a good knee, like going out.


In this period I really see what playing sport really means to me. It’s my goal to jog again this month. Playing football is probably possible from November or December. I hope my knee stays stable until then because I really can’t wait for the moment I step onto the grass again. I’ll keep you updated on the progress I make. And good luck to everyone else with any injuries.

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  • You have made me feel very sad. I can't possibly feel what's going though your mind but I can understand the pain. I have my best wishes for your recovery. This break will give you more mental stability, since you can think more and observe. And, after your recovery when you will return, you'll be doing your best.

    Posted Jun 02, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Reminded me of my early days in college when I broke my hand and cast outta the basketball tournament. It wasn't the pain I felt physically but it was more mentally. Sorry to hear about your situation Stefan but keep your focus and you'll be back with more you can put in the ground next season.

    Posted Jun 02, 2010

  • I'm sorry to hear that, I hope everything goes well with your recovery. I know what you mean with being more edgy, I get the same feeling if sit still for too long.

    Posted Jun 02, 2010

  • Man! that sucks. Don't know what to tell :o I just hope you get well soon and get back onto your fit.

    Posted Jun 02, 2010

  • I am really sorry about that. Injuries are a very serious issue for everyone that likes sport in general, it won't happened just only with others. Therefore, you have to be prepared for the worst when is your turn. It was a serious injury, that doesn't allow you to do what you like the most. I hope you can recover both mentally and physical as soon as possible and don't give up about your dream. Best of luck!

    Posted Jun 03, 2010

  • I hope you recover soon :)

    Posted Jun 04, 2010

  • @Tanya, @RON, @kelaidis, @Sleven, @canana and @Xiao: Thanks to all of you for the kind words. Already feeling better now:P BTW, yesterday was exactly three months after the surgery and I jogged for the first time! It went well with no pain at all.

    Posted Jun 04, 2010

  • That's much better. I hope you get well soon :)

    Posted Jun 05, 2010

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