Community Update - May

By Domen, Posted 02 May 2010


Whoa really unbelievable how quickly April went past us. Things have been busy and well I guess time flies by anyway. I don't have much to update you on, only that we're working on how to improve NoobFeed for your satisfaction and to make even more user friendly. This year is going to be full of changes as we need them in order to be able to withold on the market which we are trying to infiltrate.

Granted, there hasn't been much content posting from our writers team, this past month, nevertheless, I hope you will keep visiting NoobFeed and continue inviting in good faith and in the expectation of the future. Let me just remind you that NoobFeed is nowhere near the finished product, and we're still far away from our vision.


Once we install the appropriate advertisement, change the layout and largen our user base, then we'll have done something. The marketing team, which I lead, is in full planning so I hope our plan succeeds and we do invite as many as possible to join the community.


Any feedback from you, the users, is always welcome! You can give me a private message or just say it out loud via the commenting system. That'll be all for the update.

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  • Yeah, but it sure looks a lot better than one year ago, due to all the work that has been made so far. That's the spirit, keep up the good work!

    Posted May 02, 2010

  • There's already a lot more people than when I first got on here, which is good news. NoobFeed is slowly making its way accross the internet and sooner or later, more people will join. It's definitely a good place to be and congratulations to everyone who worked at making it so.

    Posted May 02, 2010

  • "Granted, there hasn't been much content posting from our writers team, this past month"

    I like think that we're putting quality over quantity. We may not be posting as much you guys would like (that's what you get with a bunch of under-experienced writers), but at least the stuff we are writing is high quality stuff.

    Posted May 02, 2010

  • indeed we all want to make this site speacialized in quality stuffs!!

    Posted May 02, 2010

  • Good to hear from you again. Really eager to see the new layout & good luck to your marketing team.

    Posted May 02, 2010

  • Last month went really fast. Though we did have something new to see. A new Tag Cloud tab :D

    Posted May 02, 2010

  • Keep up the excellent work everyone and I am looking forward to seeing this site grow into something amazing and excited to be an active part in that. :)

    Posted May 02, 2010

  • Last month was our most successful month in forum so far. It was very active and still is :)

    Posted May 03, 2010

  • The more the merrier.  That is all I can say.:P

    Not just that.  But considering the writing is pretty good morw writing would be better but going to fast paced can be troubling.

    Posted May 03, 2010

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