Lets face it: no matter how much PS3, X-Box, or Wii you play, the guy playing SEGA Genesis will always be the coolest out of the group.


Now that above statement might not exactly be true, but it might have a little more truth than some believe.


I personally believe that the Grandfather generation of gaming is the best generation of gaming. we're talking about a golden age where nobody is complaining about crappy graphics, or crappy camera angles. no games with good ideas get ruined for being implemented poorly. if a game suck, it sucks for a good reason. We're talking about a generation where you could pick up a random game off the shelf and not have to worry about explicit gore, gratuitous sex, or any of that. We're talking about games where you can look at the cover, determine the genre of game that you are about to purchase. and buy it soley on that.


I think that diversity in games is good, but today we have TOO much diversity... too many people play too many games in too many different ways... im sure alot of you will disagree with me here, but im sure some will understand. what happened to the side-scrolling fighting game? i miss my streets of rage, or golden axe, or even the spiderman games! anybody could make a good game, as long as it played like streets of rage. you didnt like it? you could try a sidescroller like mario, or sonic, or alex kidd, or kid chameleon, all of them excellent choices. 


I think that the best part of the grandfather Generation is the fact that there were nohardcore games! thats right, you heard me. No. Hardcrore. Games. there were no hardcore gamers, no casuals, none of it. Anybody could play any game, and alot of people did. I miss the two-player game, with no split-screen. you would have two people on screen and you would actually have to work together and stay together to advance! imagine that... granted nowadays we have online (not that you are always close as a group, with people all over the place)... but lets be real, does that REALLY feel as good as playing with someone right next to you and having that communication factor there?


I think that everyone should kick the current gen, leave the next gen, and upgrade to the classic generations. The generation where a movie game didnt mean an instant suck, a generation where in order to beat a game, you had to be completely in the zone, because there were rarely any saves, and you had to really focus on winning to beat the game. the sense of beating a game in one sitting is just so much more gratifying. That sense of fear you get when your on the last boss with only 2 lives left and a muti-million point score, knowing that if you mess up, you'll have to start the game all over, from scratch. THAT is what I consider gaming. and THAT is what I want to play. 


Alot of you guys can disagree and go "hey ill have my halo" or your 3d mario or your metal gear solid, and thats fine. This is just one man's opinion on what i believe was the best generation of gaming, and I just felt it should be appreciated as such.


duffman out.

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  • I had to comment on this. I agree with you to some extent, that extent being that I consider games like Ghosts 'N Goblins to be hardcore games lol. That game was hell, but one of the best in my opinion. I still enjoy Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts every once in a while on my SNES, which I recently plugged back in my TV. Unfortunately, both my NES and Genesis failed a couple years ago and does not work anymore.

    There's nothing and there never will be something like the good old days of gaming, you picked every good reasons for this and I must agree with these reasons. While I truly enjoy Metal Gear Solid and the likes that we get today, and that yes, I enjoy beautiful graphics, it is not the core of the game. I enjoy it because we have access to it and we might as well take advantage of the situation. By no means, though, would such a mere, non-important component of a game, affect my desire to play it.

    Oh and, as with every blogs about old games, I must say it: Megaman is the best ;p

    Posted Apr 25, 2010
  • This is a great blog mate. Though I can't agree 100% with it. New generation games are also playing fun and some of them are hardcore too.
    Posted Apr 25, 2010


    that's cheating

    Posted Apr 25, 2010

  • I know when I wrote it! Slevin was interested in it though, and It's new to this place, so... yep!

    Posted Apr 25, 2010
  • avatar RON

    You have a good point. Very good point if I must say. But you can't just deny all the hard work which has been done for taking gaming to the next level. Old games lacked in variety in genres which new generation games have covered pretty well. Yes, the intensity level has gone down as players get plenty of save points, but still for few games with plenty of tactical and environmental elements, it's hard to play. Then again, gaming these days is easier compared to the old generation but plenty of options to choose and detail in gameplay, story, graphics and sound make the current generation gaming better in many way. I respect your opinion though. My gaming life started from the NES age back in the 80s. The gaming grandfather age was brilliant and that’s the main key to today’s success.

    Posted Apr 25, 2010

  • BTW, while i do agree that the SNES gen was the best, i think most of the recent complaints are just because when we were playing the SNES, we were kids. now we have a sense of criticism. we have the internet to provide us with more info than we could've ever imagined back then. some genres might be dying because of the advance of technology, but just look at new super mario bros wii. it's mario, but with that "beat'em up" camera and four people, one next to the other, trying to cooperate to progress. and lets not ignore the power of rhythm games.

    also, online might not be as fun as playing a local multiplayer match, but it's way better than playing against AI, and provides you a multiplayer experience when you need it and nobody's around.

    Posted Apr 25, 2010

  • I agree at what you are saying. I also love retro games and I have been playing games since the Atari days. Although I am not having that much fun compared to what I experienced before, but still I believe games needed to evolve. People cannot stick around for the same gameplay so variation is necessary. It is true that nowadays people are not having that much fun since making a quality game became pretty hard nowadays for developers, not to mention there are serious amount of competition out there. We are still hopeful that out of so many games which are quite generic, there are some number of games that stands out. We just have to find those. Also you have to consider the age factor as what Bruno is saying. When we are kids we are used to play any type of games whether it is good or bad. Even today most kids cant distinguish which game is good or which game is bad. My little cousins are perfect examples.

    Posted Apr 25, 2010

  • A lot of you are talking about the evolution of games. While I agree with the evolution of games, I also believe that just beacause something is evolved, doesnt mean that the basics should be forgotten. That is sort of my underlying message, as these new devs are actually cutting out local multiplayer in favor of online, and that just isnt right to me. I'm actually loving this gen because of all of the revival franchises that are being released as digital downloads (like Megaman 9 and 10, castlevania rebirth, ect.) and I am enjoying them very much. heck, I think that it's safe to say that a lot of the best games of this gen never veered too far away from their classic counterpart. I bring up the castlevania games again. Granted, the formula changed after Symphony of the Night, but It's a good formula nonetheless. the new games have been some of my favorites (along with castlevania adventure Rebirth, of course). Also, look at games like Resident Evil. The survival horor genre has basically died because of Resident Evil 4 and its "evolution". Granted, RE4 is one hell of a game, probably one of the best games of all time, but it lacked the same sense of horror and helplessness as its predecessors.


    It's not about favoring one over the other, I just hate to lose a good thing that works

    Posted Apr 26, 2010

  • just saying... you know that the @sign trick works, right?

    also, congrats, less than a week here and your first blog is the featured one

    Posted Apr 26, 2010

  • I dont know what the @sign is...

    and I think that there is something to be said when I've been on gamespot for 4+ years and never had a blog featured (even this one) and I've been here for less than a week and already I've got the featured blog. I'm Taking all of my reviews off of Gamespot and Putting them elsewhere lol

    Posted Apr 26, 2010

  • Great blog and I totally agree with you. Nothing beats the old generation games. I remember my parents used to play games with me while I was playing with Atari or PS. But these days they think gaming is waste of time. Even though I enjoy this generation game’s graphics and stories, I still prefer old generation games.

    Posted Apr 26, 2010

  • @sign is when you write @"name of the user". the user you mentioned will get a notification (see that box under your status?), that makes it way easier to check on blogs

    Posted Apr 26, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS (ha) ooooh, I've never used them before, I'm used to quoting or just targetting the masses

    Posted Apr 26, 2010

  • but it makes easier for blogs. that way i don't have to keep checking blogs to see if my post was replied.

    Posted Apr 26, 2010

  • Lately some people have been experiencing issues with the notifications though, such as myself lol. But there's a few tricks around it which biZZy's blogs could be helpful. To reply to several people just begin the comment with the @"username" thing like:

    @"user1" @"user2" etc.

    And I can't help but see your mention of Castlevania, Rondo of Blood will forever remain one of my favorites, the remake on PSP was great!

    Posted Apr 27, 2010

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