.:: Emblem Making Contest ::..

By cranium, Posted 18 Mar 2009

Welcome to NoobFeed's very first competition.

This one will work a little differently than some of the one's we may have coming up in the future, because for this you make your own prize - a nice shiny new emblem for your profile.

There is no specific theme you are restricted to, you can pretty much make one of your choice. The only thing that is required is to keep with the same design as the rest of the ones up on the site - a border, with set shading patterns and a black line surrounding. See below:


Emblem designs should measure 99x99 preferably.

You also get to give one other member of the community the emblem, they can be the person of your choice. I hope some of our budding artists have fun with this one.

All designs should be submitted to me via a personal message.

The competition closing date will be announced in the near future.

Stay tuned.

Over and out.

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  • aww man.. im only a designer wannabe..Tongue out

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • Would still love to see what you can do.

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • My skills on graphics editing are below amateur, still I'm gonna give it a try and make something, just for the love of participating Smile

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • AoA emblem here we come

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • avatar RON

    This should be fun.

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • I am starting on my Newshound emblem. :D

    How many will win? I think you should use all the good ideas and not just have one winner.

    Posted Mar 19, 2009
  • damn i wish i were a better designer.

    Posted Mar 19, 2009
  • Ee one winner and one other will receive the emblem. Other designs for thing's that will help us with the site may be considered for other thing's, but not for this particular contest.

    Posted Mar 20, 2009
  • I gave it a go and sent one in. I'm not sure if it's limited to one per person or not.

    Posted Mar 20, 2009
  • Where did you send it?

    Posted Mar 21, 2009
  • avatar RON
    how many entries we have so far? cant wait to see who does the best one!
    Posted Mar 21, 2009
  • I'm sure that there are a couple of good designers among us. I'm terrible on this thing so I wish good luck to all the participants.Smile

    Posted Mar 23, 2009
  • Would still be nice to see something from you mate. You never know what you can achieve with a little will power.

    Posted Mar 26, 2009
  • If I had kept at designing stuff I'd probably be quite good by now, unfortunately I stopped around late 2007. I may give this a go though...

    Posted Mar 26, 2009

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