The New Facebook

By wicked, Posted 18 Mar 2009

That day i signed into facebook and i was like, wat the f*$# is this?! Yell Do i know this site? I mean, right when i was trying so hard to get used to the previous changes (which are so crappy by the way) they mess it up again. wow. As if the last makeover wasn't bad enough.

I'm really disappointed and pissed at facebook. the homepage is a mess now. so much information is not wat i want. it was the simplicity about facebook which was so cool. its just sad man.Frown

i think facebook is losing it.. Undecided

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  • Just an easier way to advertise for them, and keep the site going.
    The changes aren't all that bad, i'm sure just like the change a year ago; we will get used to it.

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • yeah, the updates were sucks

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • It's gonna take me some time to get used to it (again), but yeah they just change the layout and make it even more complicated.

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • I'm now curious to see what they're going to do with the iPhone equivilent. In fact sometimes i prefer using that just for it's simplicity, although i would absolutely love them to add some more features to the next version.

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • Yep, they really messed it up....againYell

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • @fishdalf. thats right. they are doing all these to get more ads. its becoming way too comercial now. i havn't used the iphone version so i really don't know how they are messing that up lol. yeah, its gonna take another few months now to get used to this. Yell

    @hell053r. yep

    @ilias. my point exactly. this new layout looks very complicated.

    @kelaidis. that they did mate.

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • I was confused too. Undecided I liked the previous more...

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • I hardly care about Facebook anymore. It's messed up with all these crappy applications. I hate the new layout too Undecided

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • avatar RON

    a very good point though. i totally hate the new template. it looks wedging.

    though i still believe that facebook is still one of the best community sites on hand. and also, a very good prospect for future social media platform. from my point of view, facebook is troubled by the way it’s been used in common. i’m not going in details but it’s too much uncertainty at facebook.

    i guess those of us are still using facebook now and then; will get used to its new layout once again. they need to stop experiencing before getting any major blow. because everything is exceedingly competitive now a day.

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • It's not the new layout.  Last September when they changed to the new facebook was when they lost it for me.  I have NOT gotten used to either layout and I won't.  To say that I hate the layout is an understatement.  See when facebook changed their layout last September was a major cause in me coming up with that site I'm making.  A lot of ideas came from what I feel facebook messed up on.  I still use facebook only because that is the ONLY way to keep in touch with some people...but if there were other ways to keep in touch then you better believe I wouldn't use facebook at all.

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • I totally agree!

    Posted Mar 18, 2009
  • @monica. yeah. took us a lotta hard work to get used to that one.

    @tanya. true. millions of applications and now it shows some randomely which you havnt even added to your profile. Yell

    @Ron. right you are mate. compared to the other sites i would still vote for facebook. mayb cuz ive been using it for so long or i have everyone in there. but it certainly seems to have an edge. the question is, how long will it be able to retain that top spot if it keeps experimenting and coming out with such crappy outcomes.. Undecided

    @nerdboy. i totally agree with you. its like everyone you know, and i mean Everyone has an account in facebook. hard to keep in touch if you aren't there. so you're making a site? cool. will it be like a competitor and drive facebook of the net? :D

    Posted Mar 19, 2009
  • avatar RON

    yea. true. lets just hope goodluck to facebook, as it has served us for so many years.

    Posted Mar 19, 2009
  • That's why everytime I see any application invite, I simply block that :P

    Posted Mar 19, 2009
  • It looks like a neat handwritting........... if that makes sense............

    Posted Mar 20, 2009
  • @Ron. yeah. lets hope they get some sense back.

    @tanya. lol. keep it up!

    @jug. i'm afraid you don't make sense man

    Posted Mar 20, 2009
  • avatar RON

    i think they will. Mark Zuckerberg is a man of talent and i don't think he'll make mistakes after reaching so far.

    Posted Mar 20, 2009
  • yeah. i certainly hope so. would hate to see facebook die just like that. its served us well

    Posted Mar 20, 2009
  • avatar RON

    it won't die for sure. atleast Microsoft won't let that happen. they've bought 30% of fb share and it's a huge amount of money.

    Posted Mar 21, 2009
  • LOL. Yes, I shall :D

    Posted Mar 21, 2009
  • @Ron. now that is a point. and this site is Very profitable.

    @tanya. :D

    Posted Mar 21, 2009
  • avatar RON

    it's not only a site. now it has converted into a money making machine. lol. seriously though.

    Posted Mar 24, 2009
  • You can't blame them though, we're all in this world to make money in one form or another.
    What i would object to is them charging us to use their site, if that happens then they really will have sold their souls to the devil.

    Posted Mar 26, 2009

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