Birthday girl!

By Nikkycat, Posted 18 Apr 2010

I'm now 21.  Am I old yet? :P

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  • Happy Birthday! It's also my mom's birthday as well and no you're not old yet, she still has a lot of years on you. :P

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Haffy Birthday!!! No worries. You are still too young!!!

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Happy birthday!

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Happy birthday Nikky :) I'm catching you on age very soon too. Don't dare to call 21 old :P

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Happy Birthday! Have a great day young girl. :)

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Happy Birthday :) You're too old :P Enjoy the last days of your life :P

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Happy birthday, young girl =P 

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Happy Birthday Nicole, you are still very much young at heart. :P

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Happy birthday and welcome to NoobFeed since I haven't welcomed you ;p

    And that is young.. well younger than me by a couple of years anyway :]

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Happy birthday :) You are older than me that's what I can confirm :P

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Happy Birthday, now you don't have to worry about cops when you get wasted!

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Happy birthday!!!

    Posted Apr 18, 2010
  • avatar RON

    I hope you've had a great today during your birthday :)

    Posted Apr 20, 2010

  • Happy birthday to you :D

    Posted Apr 20, 2010

  • Happy Birthday! /super late

    Hope it was a good one. ;P

    Posted Apr 20, 2010

  • Yes!

    Posted Jun 29, 2010

  • Not yet, it's gonna happen though!

    Posted Jul 16, 2010

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