So i am level Ten now , yeah you hear me Right .

Guitar Hero ..

i have now 7 emblems! , they look great ! :D

so in my latest news , i have ben trying to access the net latley but i am too sick to do it! my throat hurts i cough a lot and i can't breath and my head hurts , i wen't to the Doctor yesterday he gave me some pills and such , its nothing that serious to go to a doctor for .

But two years ago i had a really bad infection in my windPipe i couldn't breath i couldn't sleep at nights i just coughed coughed and coughed some more , and one night i woke and i had to threw up and out of no where i just Threw Up Blood , it was something like an asthma , man it was scary , it took me a whole month to recover ! and till now it affects me  when i laugh after eating or after drinking i start to have hiccups . :(


SO i hope this disease isn't serious . and thank you for reading

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  • Great job unlocking 7 emblems. Now push for 3 more. Post, comments and tags :) Really sorry to hear about it your pain. I hope it's nothing serious. See a doctor whenever you think you need more medication.

    Posted Apr 16, 2010

  • Yikes :/ get well soon buddy.

    Posted Apr 16, 2010

  • Damn it. I couldn't be happy after reading it. Though throwing up blood can happen for other reasons. I did throw up blood once when I caught a bad cold. I thought it was serious but doc said nope. After taking medicine I was fine. I hope it's same for you too. Get well soon bro :) Congrats for the emblems btw :)

    Posted Apr 16, 2010

  • Hope you get better. And congrats on level 10!

    Posted Apr 16, 2010

  • err!!! hope that everything is ok. keep on visiting the doctor often even if you think its not important. congrats on your new level!!! i remember i started my angry cat blog series from this level!!

    Posted Apr 16, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Be strong and follow your doc's prescription. You'll get well soon.

    Posted Apr 16, 2010

  • Congratz on the new level & get well soon :)

    Posted Apr 16, 2010

  • Hope you'll get better as time goes, throwing up blood is never a good thing so hopefully you don't get the same infection this time around, doesn't sound too enjoyable :/ Keep visiting the doc though, making sure it isn't important.

    Oh and congrats on the new level too.

    Posted Apr 17, 2010

  • I feel your pain, I have gotten bronchitis and pneumonia over 10 times in my lifetime, which means I get it almost every year. One time it got so bad I got a temperature of 103, my back started aching, and I was literally a few hours away from dying.  Parents called the ambulance, and I got rushed to the hospital which ended up saving my life. Anyways, hope you feel better man.. I know how annoying these infections are.

    Posted Apr 17, 2010

  • @All thank you every one!

    @tanya thank you , i will get those 3 emblems! and don't worry it will pass!

    @Sleven hehe thanks slev! and no wonder we are brothers , good to hear that my bro threw up blood too

    @AC55 thank you

    @Koshai lol   like angry cats

    @RON yeah don't worry i will :)

    @biZZy than you man :D

    @FetusZero i hope it doesn't end up like before , and will doo :)  ..

    @Moroes wow your story is worse than mine , man i hope it doesn't happen tou you again , i men you almost died :( , i can't imagin noobfeed without you man :D , and thanks ,

    Posted Apr 17, 2010

  • Congratulations on the new level, I'll be there some day soon I hope. :P Get well soon, being sick sucks for everyone and hopefully this clears up soon for you. :)

    Posted Apr 17, 2010

  • LAMO. You've really made me laugh hard :lol

    Posted Apr 17, 2010

  • @David_D hehe thanks man! and don't worry u will be there lol , but on GS it quite the opposite :lol , don't worry i will get better soon


    @Sleven thats what i am here for Bro :lol

    Posted Apr 18, 2010

  • Then you'll have to speed up your activity level a bit ;)

    Posted May 07, 2010

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