My Week in A Nutshell

By GamerMC, Posted 02 Apr 2010

Hello fellow NoobFeeders!  I've been a busy person these couple past weeks, mainly because its the end of the quarter at school, and its spring and golf season is about to start (meaning I'm working more now), and been getting closer to getting into a relationship.  Active weeks, but haven't been active here for a couple of weeks.  I am so sorry, I tried to get here and post more awesome gaming news and announcements.

In the gaming world this week I have been playing a lot of Resistance 2 before going to bed.  I've been really frustrated with the game since I've died a lot on some of the levels.  I played through a level of Uncharted 2, but I wanted to finish Resistance 2 before getting into another PS3 game.  Today I bought a new PSP game, Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny.  It is a pretty fun fighting game, I'll probably be up really really late playing that.  For the Xbox360 I've been playing Modern Warfare 2 online.  Hopefully soon I'll be getting Battlefield Bad Company 2.

I've been giving dating sites a try and I recently meet a girl on one of them, and we're now friends on Windows Live Messenger and MySpace.  She's a pretty cool girl.  I know she really likes me.  It's only been three days and already she's giving me hearts through Windows Live Messenger and calling me "baby."  It's a pretty good feeling.  Sadly, she lives in a different state than I do, so theres a large distance between me and her.  Maybe someday we'll live in the same state and get into a relationship.  As of now, we're in a half-relationship: we're more than friends but not in a relationship yet.

On May1st I have prom, and I'm going to prom with a rather lovely looking young lady whom I have a crush on. So I am feeling like a player at this time.  I seem to be getting a lot of girls after me now.  I also have this freshmen girl liking me.  Once again, a pretty good feeling.

Thank you for reading.  I'll try my best to get active here again.  By the way if you like reading fantasy stories, give my prologue a chance, I am working on a story.  Its a fantasy story about a hero named Allis Bard, and this evildoer by the name of Tantarus.  The prologue is about an old man telling the story of Allis Bard and then the first chapter (which I am still working on) is a battle scene.  I hope you enjoy, give me some input on it too.

Game On! 

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  • avatar RON

    Sounds like you are having the time of  your life. Good luck with the relation. Dating sites are good for hocking people up together and speed up things. But the outcome of the relation doesn't really touch the depth needed. I suggest you to wait for few months and know her well before getting into any commitment.

    I've read last article on Allis Bard. It was interested.

    Posted Apr 02, 2010

  • @RON - Yeah, that's my plan.

    Posted Apr 02, 2010

  • I was going to tell you the same thing Ron did. I know someone who has several online relations but in reality the feelings is very thin. It's always better to know in real life. Though I would say it's a great start for you. Who knows! She might be the girl of your life :)

    Let us know about Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny if you ever get a chance to write a review.

    Posted Apr 02, 2010

  • @Tanya - I'm still trying to get the reviews for Mass Effect 2 and SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3 done. lol

    Posted Apr 02, 2010

  • Battlefield Bad Company 2 will be a fun game. You'll enjoy it as you are playing action games. And, I must say you are lucky find a girl like that. Have fun and good luck ;)

    Posted Apr 02, 2010

  • Then I'll Look forward to those first.

    Posted Apr 03, 2010

  • man ur having the time of your life!! gongratz dude :D

    girls here are crazy they like boys who like to curse a lot and fight a lot and bit stupid may i say!

    maybe i will do a blog about it! :)

    Posted Apr 03, 2010

  • Looking forward about the new game of yours. I am planning to buy a new PSP game. havent touched my PSP for a long time. As far as online relationship goes, I would agree to both RON and Tanya. You should be a little bit careful. However if you can keep the relationship pretty well both in online and especially in real life. You are all set!!

    Posted Apr 03, 2010

  • @Darksider - If girls like guys that swear, then their gonna love me.  You should hear me when I am playing games, practically every swear words comes out of my mouth when I die in the game.

    Posted Apr 03, 2010

  • hahaha the worst thing i ever said when i died in a game was ... OH GOD ! :lol

    Posted Apr 04, 2010

  • @Darksider - The worst thing I ever said was: #%@# #%@$&%@$#%!%@%#^@%!%@%#%$#@#$$@#$$@%@$@$%@$!$@^#$%#$##$&@%%#! I had to bleep it out. lol

    Posted Apr 04, 2010

  • lol i understood every word :P

    Posted Apr 05, 2010

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