Ready..set..Get Engaged!

By Darksider, Posted 27 Mar 2010

hello everyone!

so my sister got Engaged Yesterday! everything went great, ofcourse there were a few setbacks here and there, but it was just simply great! i don't want to go through details! ( maybe later!)

although i have school and a physics exam today, but i just couldn't go school today or study yesterday! i went to sleep at 3 am yesterday! so i have the day off today! :) and since my physics teacher for a reason i dont know likes me , he won't be mad or something :D

oh and iforgat i took a few pictures of myself yesterday, so i wll be posting it reall soon! so woohoo

get ready everyone!

oh and i forgat, i am lvl 9 right now (Ered luin) :) don't know what it means, and oh yeah i have the voter emblem great looking emblem i might add! again thanks to my advisor sleven!

thank you for reading

Ered Luin! :P


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  • Congrats to your sister's engagement. Congrats on your level up. Glad that you get a day off but dont make it into a practice. It might screw you a lot in the future!

    Posted Mar 27, 2010

  • waiting for the pic... the banhammer's anxious...

    Posted Mar 27, 2010

  • Awesome. You've been having great time lately mate. Congrats to your sister for her new life and to you for unlocking another cookie ;) Can't wait to see your photo :D

    Posted Mar 27, 2010

  • congrats Ered ;) Wishing your sister a very happy marriage life ahead with full of happiness. Sometime it is good to bunk school :P Teachers will love you more ;) Countdown begins for your photos :) Congrats on leveling up. It is amazing feelings to level up. Good job with emblems. 

    PERSONALLY i love reading this kind of blogs as it gives the members a chance to know about each other. And as am not a gaming person i can post mu valuable :P comments on those.

    Posted Mar 28, 2010

  • Congrats to your sister and I am glad everything went well! Looking forward to seeing those pictures. Although the blog was posted little time ago, good luck with your exam :]

    Posted Mar 28, 2010

  • Again many congrats to your sister :) I wish I could get engaged soon too :P And, congrats for new emblems. You and Sleven are hunting pretty well lately ;) And, very much looking forward to see your photos.

    Posted Mar 28, 2010

  • convey my congratz to your sis; be happy! It's your time :P

    Posted Mar 28, 2010

  • @Koshai thanks, don't worry i don't take too many days off lol

    @BrunoBRS yeah i can seee that haha

    @Sleven yeah actually i did have a great time, :) and thanks , and as for the pic slev , i hope it doesn't change things between us :P

    @farzana :lol thanks , yeah teachers love that :P , yeah my photo will be coming soon .

    i don't useally do those kind of posts, but you people are becoming my second family, and since you like it i will blog more about these things!

    @FetusZero thank you.

    @Tanya thanks tanya... and will you marry me , or do you want to see my photo first!? :P

    yeah sleven and i are becoming like two brothers looking out for each other!

    @biZZy thanks man!

    Posted Mar 28, 2010
  • avatar RON

    It's nice to see that you like our emblems. Enjoy unlocking them. Level too. And, convey my regards to your sister. I wish her a nice future ahead.

    Posted Mar 29, 2010

  • @RON yeah i am actually enjoying it! :) and i will :)

    Posted Mar 29, 2010

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