Onward To Progress

By GamerMC, Posted 22 Mar 2010

Hello everybody.  I apologies for not being on for awhile.  I have been tremendously busy with work and school. I am back, I haven't been very active with the gaming world either.  I don't have much to say about gaming. I am hopefully going to be active again here at NoobFeed.  I was wondering if there was any easy emblems that I could achieve.  I like to unlock trophies and achievements with my gaming as well as achieving emblems from GameSpot and here.  Can any of you tell me of some "easy-to-get" emblems?

Game On!

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  • Yeah there are some easy emblems :) But we can't say the clues over the board. So knock anyone you like but deal these with PM.

    Posted Mar 23, 2010

  • Let me PM bug go away, I’ll help you out with the emblems. For now you can contact biZZy or Sleven. Both of them knows about emblems very well :) And, we don’t only share our gaming experiences. We are friends here and talk about anything we feel like. Feel free to join us at the forum discussion ;)

    Posted Mar 23, 2010

  • I know about one emblem. Post an idea or bug at the forum's selected board and unlock the Contributor emblem.

    Posted Mar 23, 2010

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