What Happend To Me Lately!

By Darksider, Posted 21 Mar 2010

Hello everyone on noobfeed!

so i just noticed that i got the contributor emblem! and all thanks goes to sleven for being my trusty advisor with the emblems , and of course  am still aiming for more! mainly the one for inviting people here! coz i am  still haunting people on somesites to join lol!

and in other important news

Well people!! there something important happening on friday which is very important part of my life :) brace urselfs! :P

My sister is getting Engaged :/ its not that i am not happy :) its just she will be one step closer to getting Married , and i will certainly miss her, but the wedding is still far away so thats good!....this is part of the three reason why my pic isn't posted yet!

The three reasons are...

1.i am going to take a pic of myself on my sisters engagement day because i will be dressed proprely :) and i will be looking good for the ladys here on noobfeed!

2. i was going to waite a bit before i told u this but i started training and loosing weight latley! i am just a little bit overweight so i wanted to lose weight before my ~Sis's engagement day in three weeks i lost 4.5 poundsor in kelos 3 kelos which is a great accomplishement for me! i am aiming for 12 kelos! so 9 to go! :)

3. again i don't have a camera yet :D


so i hope ur comments won't be too harsh down there and i hope you understand my reasons!

thank you for reading everybody!

take care!

comments powered by Disqus

  • So you're well on course preparing for your own engagement :P good good ! :D

    Posted Mar 21, 2010

  • @biZZy lol yeah u've got that right biZZy ...man getting thin is hard!

    Posted Mar 21, 2010

  • Congrats to your sister dude.

    Posted Mar 22, 2010

  • waiting for an engagement (say congrats to your sis, BTW) is not an excuse :P

    besides, how will we be able to do a "before/after" comparison? :P

    Posted Mar 22, 2010

  • Congrats to your sister and congrats to you for losing weight :] You've got yourself an objective and you seem on the right path of accomplishing it, keep going!

    Posted Mar 22, 2010

  • Convey my congrats to your sister. I hope her wedding become memorable and she leads a happy marriage life :)

    Congrats to you as well. Contributor emblem is a fine addition to any profile. Now upgrade it ;)

    Posted Mar 22, 2010

  • lol run boy run :D

    Posted Mar 22, 2010

  • @-Moroes- thanks man!

    @BrunoBRS yeah i know sorry bruno! :P and i am not that fat to fo the kind of omparation :D

    @FetusZero thank you ! that really means a lot!

    @Tanya! words of wisdom tanya!

    and yeah i am trying to upgrade it! :)


    @biZZy *Runs* :P

    Posted Mar 22, 2010

  • Great going mate. Won't take you longer to catch me :D

    You told me about your sister marriage before but it's great to hear again :) I hope you make every moment with her momorable :)

    It's a good decision to take photo during the wedding. Don't just outrun me with your coolness :P

    Posted Mar 22, 2010

  • Don't stop, never give up, lal laalaa ..

    Posted Mar 22, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Keep bringing more users here and keep using NoobFeed. Emblems will always be there for you. Congrats to your sister. Have fun during the wedding.

    Losing 9 kilo isn't easy btw. Control what you eat, walk as much as you can and drink plenty of water.

    Posted Mar 22, 2010

  • @RON: The fastest way to lose weight is gain muscle IMO.  Go hit the gym :).

    Posted Mar 22, 2010

  • Aren't you going to invite us to your sister's marrige :o Though you know we won't make it but you should atleast send us the invites :P

    Good work with the emblems. I wonder how Sleven has so many :o

    Posted Mar 23, 2010

  • @Darksider : aha!! finally got a logical reason of not posting ur pics. so we can give u an excuse. congrats on ur sister's engagement. if you wanna lose 9 kgs like I lost 12 kgs in 3 months, try this:

    1. Walk at least 45-90 mins per day

    2. Drink plenty of water

    3. Avoid sodas/coke

    4. Have meal 3 times a day or more in controlled amount

    5. Dont just sit on one place.

    Posted Mar 24, 2010

  • @Sleven I can never outrun ur coolness , your actually at the peack of coolness


    @biZZy lalalaaalaalala! :P


    @RON don't worry RON i am still bringing people in!!

    and thanks for the advice! :)

    @-Moroes- actually i am training at home!

    @Xiao an invitation is being sent as i type :P

    actually sleven and i are both using his profile thats why hes getting emblems fast! :P

    @Koshai thanks for understanding koshai!

    and thanks for the tips koshai , i already eat 3 meals only a day! and i am avoiding soda/coke! and i will be using the other tips!

    Posted Mar 25, 2010

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