Back for now.

By PaperF, Posted 19 Jan 2010

It's been a while since last time I visited Noobfeed huh? I only been posting in GS, since I had to cut down my online time a little. There were some things I wanted to do, which is why Im rarely online in Noobfeed now..Well School started some days ago, and got like projects all at the same time. Which is no good, since they are suppose to be for this month. I will try to post very often now, if time lets it of course.

I have to say there are some interesting new users since last time I visited Noobfeed. Would like to meet them all=)

Well, that's all for now=)

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  • Be here mate when you can make time :)

    Posted Jan 19, 2010

  • Welcome back mate :) Keep in mind what I told you about keeping something running ;)

    Posted Jan 19, 2010

  • Hello!! Nice to meet you!!!!

    Posted Jan 19, 2010

  • Welcome back PaperF, and good luck on your studies

    Posted Jan 19, 2010

  • What kind of projects you work with?

    Posted Jan 19, 2010

  • Welcome back. :)

    Posted Jan 19, 2010

  • Welcome back

    Posted Jan 19, 2010

  • @Tanya: School projects, I have to do an investigation with some cells, and chemistry periodic table. I have to do an oral presentation after that, on Febraury 2, or around that date. I have also, to write a ''book'' for spanish class.

    @Sleven: Sure I will, will try to doo at least 2 blogs during the week=)

    Thanks to the rest!

    Posted Jan 20, 2010

  • Welcome back mate! :D

    Posted Feb 17, 2010

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