Nintendo Gets a 1-Up

By Scientist, Posted 12 Jan 2010


I'm pretty sure at least 90% of the people that reside on this website can all agree that Nintendo is slowly starting to disappoint a lot of us but they are slowly getting on the road to victory when a Netflix CEO said that Netflix on the Wii is very likely. Netflix on the Xbox 360 and recently on the PS3 have been very popular and now that it's going to be added to the Wii further supporting that "family console" with being able to watch a movie directly on the Wii. This also poses some questions, does this mean the "Wii HD" is coming up as well? or is the Wii just going to play non-HD movies?  and will the movie be streamed? because the Wii doesn't have as much memory as the other consoles so we'll have to wait and see what happens but it's starting to look a little hopeful. Nintendo is on the right track, now if only I can see some Zelda DLC with this upcoming Wii awesome would that be!? 


Also in short news:


-Mass Effect 3 is already in pre-production!  That's awesome, I foresee Mass Effect 2 and its DLC keeping us all entertained until 3 is ready to come out.  Nice work Bioware.


-EA has announced a new version of NBA Jam coming soon to the Wii.  This was a great basketball game back in the day, I hope this one won't disappoint. 


-LEGO games aren't stopping at Star Wars, Batman, Indiana Jones or Harry Potter, they are going further! to what you ask? A LEGO MMO! called LEGO Universe where players can build any LEGO they want and showcase them to other players in the world.  This is just one step further to complete LEGO domination.

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  • Good news for Netflix users.

    "Wii HD" is inevitable. It's already been hinted towards by Nintendo, and when you think about it, what are the chances that it won't happen?

    Posted Jan 12, 2010

  • I still feel it wont help Nintendo. Come on, bring out good games please!!!!!

    Mass Effect 3?????????? Wooot!!!!!!!! Wooot!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted Jan 12, 2010

  • @Din5193 -- It was? When did that happen?

    Posted Jan 12, 2010

  • I need to play Mass Effect 2. But I can't find a 360 nearby. Interesting news LEGO Universe.

    Posted Jan 12, 2010

  • Although the Wii has it's share of good, casual games, I don't think it has anything to compete with against the other consoles out there. While the addition of Netflix is a good thing, I'm not sure it'll help the Wii get back on track as they spent a good time telling us that the Wii was a gaming system, which unlike the PS3 and X360, was not meant to be a multimedia platform, hence why they chose a different path than Sony and Microsoft for this generation.

    It has yet to be seen though, but people buying the Wii probably didn't even know of it being able to read SD cards and such for pictures, the Wii has gotten sales because it was a gaming system and the lack of good games lately has been a big hit for Nintendo, so if people are still searching for the same, Netflix won't help. All of this is purely speculation on my part, though.

    Nice blog though, and definitely some good information to share. I'd be curious at seeing a LEGO Megaman, just take MM Legends, they already have half of it done! lol. Gotta love the servbots.

    Now, just for a ranting purpose, I hope they release a new Nintendo console in HD with conventional controls. I don't want a revamped Wii nor do I want gimmicky controls ;p

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • That's pretty cool since the Wii can't play DVDs. NBA Jam could be fun on the Wii, I'd really like to see them implement Wii Motion Plus to make it feel real. Is this Lego MMO on consoles? I know I sound like a Kindergartener but this sounds like it could be an awesome game. Could end up as a guilty pleasure of mine if it's done right.

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • Wii HD


    There was a period not too long ago (can't remember specific dates) that the Research and Development department at Nintendo had their budget take a major increase (we're talking new console numbers).  While a friend of mine suggested that maybe it's that new Vital sensor I severely doubt it.  Nintendo has their hook with motion controls and if it's a new console their making then a Wii HD would be the most logical step for them. 




    The Lego MMO is PC only and was announced a while ago but kind of fell off the radar afterwards.  Gametrailers posted a developer walkthrough  of it being played at CES from last week.  It looks really promising to say the least.  They don't hide the fact that the game is definitely aimed towards kids but come on it's LEGO!  It seems they're going to have some sort of way to build your own things with LEGOS (moderated of course) but it actually looks pretty advanced when they showed it off.  Something else I really liked about it was they're implementing achievements that when completed unlock new items you can equip.  I'm not a huge MMO played but I want to give it a try.  Here's the link to the first part of the videos posted for the walkthrough I think it's like 15 or so minutes all together:


    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • Oh wow Netflix for Wii has just been confirmed.

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • @FetusZero you make some good points, it might just be too little or too late for them to make a difference and it's true they've only named themselves for a video game platform and not a multimedia platform like the 360 and PS3 it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.

    @King yeah I agree it'll be a pretty big guilty pleasure for a lot of people

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • Netflix on the Wii is great news indeed, it gives me another compelling reason to get the console. I wonder how its going to work though amidst the limitations of the Wii.

    I have always love the LEGO games and an MMO version of the series would be excellent. Not to mention, the replayability would be off the charts too! :P

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • Noob question. What is Netflix?

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • @davidck07 LEGO is about to take over the world haha it seems pretty endless with this MMO

    @Tanya Netflix allows you to rent movies online and stream them to your console, the business first started with the ability to rent a movie and have it sent to your house in the mail and you can keep it for as long as you want then when you want another just send it back and receive the next, it's quite a good system.

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • One of our broadband connection providers gives services like it and we don't have to pay anything extra. So how you make the payments through your consoles?

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • Wii HD has to come sooner or later. They aren't giving us too many good game. So why not Wii HD.

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • @Scientist:

    It sure will be interesting and hopefully, something good is in stores for us.

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • That's too bad. I don't/can't play PC games.

    Posted Jan 15, 2010

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