And why it will.

1. The Rock is attempting comedy. He was okay in that one weird football movie he did, but when you drop a line like "Don't walk into the pimped out fridge, Jack." in the trailer, suckage will ensue.
2. Average Joe become HERO! Cliche, yes? I mean, most movies are like this, but honestly! The Rock as a cab driver. THE ROCK AS A CAB DRIVER. Unless they don't prevail at the end, and the worlds blow up, which I doubt seeing as it is a DISNEY movie, then it will not be as cliche as most.
3. Aliens that have magical powers. Cli-effing-che.
4. The children are trying to save the parents. And the world. Reminds you a little of Spy Kids, don't it?

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  • avatar RON

    lol. i wasn't planning to watch the movie anyway. 

    Posted Mar 08, 2009
  • I haven't heard the best things for this movie as well.

    Posted Jul 27, 2009

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